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The guys know something happened as I frantically texted Mike. They all come running over and I ask Emily's mum if they can come in.

Emily walks up to Jaime first.

"Vic?" she asks.


"Jaime" she squeaks, hugging him.

She knows Mike by his height and gives him a huge hug. "Hi Mike" she says.

Next she goes to Vic and hugs him.

Her dad has just arrived back at the house so we leave them alone for a little while.

An hour or so later, we have a knock at the door. I open it to Em standing there, smiling, with Angie by her side.

"Made it here all by myself" she laughs.

I scoop her up in my arms, carry her to the sofa and settle down with her on my knee.

"Come here beautiful" I say.

She looks at me and says " I haven't looked at myself yet" so I lead her up my room where theres a full length mirror.

"Am I pretty?" she asks. Never having seen anyone other than her mum and Angie, she has no-one to compare herself too.

"You are the most beautiful girl in the world" I tell her. She blushes and laughs when she sees her face go red in the mirror.

She turns around and gives me a huge, passionate kiss.

" I love you Tony" she whispers.

I want her to show her the world. We settle on San Diego zoo.

The guys, Angie and I are going to make this a day to remember for her.

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