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I realise now why she was holding the fence when she got out of the taxi. And why she didn't wave. All this explained a lot. The lack of posters etc on her wall and why she couldn't look me in the eye. She has no idea how beautiful she is or what I look like.

I hold her hand when we get to the pavement and guide her down the curb. We walk across to my place and I guide her up the curb on the other side and along our path. I open the front door, guide her in and lead her to the sofa.

"I'll just find the guys" I say and she smiles "ok" at me.

They're all in the back, Vic writing lyrics, Mike texting on his phone and Jaime lying in the sun.

"Guys, I brought Emily over to meet you. Come say hi and be nice cos she's very shy".

They troop in and Mike says hi first. He's been texting Angie all morning and they have arranged a date for that night.

"Angie wants to know if you both want to make it a double date" he asks.

Emily looks up and nods.

"Ok" she says.

Jaime and Vic introduce themselves and Jaime reaches out his hand to shake hers. She doesn't know, obviously, so I lift her hand up for him. He looks puzzled.

"I'm so sorry Jaime" she mumbles, getting upset.

"What for, Emily?" he asks.

She takes a huge breath in and blurts out "I'm blind".

Mike's mouth drops open in surprise. He had seen her singing and playing guitar and hadn't noticed anything different.

"Holy crap" he said. "I didn't realise. You play guitar like it's a part of you".

She looked up and said proudly " I taught myself through listening".

"Get your guitar Vic, quick" says Mike and he hands it to her.

She starts playing The Balcony Scene. I'd only played it to her a couple of hours ago, once, yet she's pretty much note perfect.

The guys all stand silent.

Then Vic asks her to play again and when she does he sings along.

"That's beautiful" she whispers.

"You are seriously amazing" Jaime blurts out, stunned by her.

She blushes so hard and smiles shyly.

"Thank you kind sir" she says.

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