• 4 • Cherries and Cuties

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Monday, November 11th, 2013

It was already past midnight and it was now Monday. Sungmin had brought out blankets and pillows for Audrey. She made her bed on the couch and sat down, watching me in the midst of making mine on the other couch. I finished with one pillow on each end and yawned.

"Are you tired," I asked her. She shook her head in response.

"Good, me either."

"Well then how about I wash the dishes?" She resolved, heading off to the kitchen before I protested.

"I'll help, but we have to be quiet. The others have gone to bed. Though, I do suppose with a hotel like this the walls are thick," she said as she started to go through the motions of washing dishes.
"They have to be. They don't want any complaints about noise." She looked at me with a mischievous smile and both giggled.

"I suppose so."

She tied her hair back and shut off the water once the sink was full. We stood there in silence for a while while she washed the dishes and I rinsed and dried them, a effortless routine. We were halfway done when I decided to break the silence.

"We talked about a lot of things tonight," I said as she nodded her head in agreement, "But I never asked a lot of questions. Can I ask some more?"

"Sure." She handed me a plate as I thought about how to word what I wanted to know. I decided I wouldn't start off with the major questions.

"Why Korea?" She looked at me, her expression begging for me to elaborate. "What I mean is, there are hundreds of other countries; ones with better offerings in life for Americans. Why did you choose South Korea?"

"Sadly, North Korea wasn't accepting foreigners," she joked. She giggled at her own humor and I nudged her.

"Seriously though, we aren't as great as, for instance, fans would make it out to be. They don't see it through the eyes of someone who is a nativel someone who has lived there their whole life."

"I think that's why they think it's such a great place. I don't really know. I don't think I can give a suitable answer to that. I just fell in love with everything. I fell in love with the food, the people-" she trailed off a little, "the music. It just felt right, and I loved Korean. I think the language is so beautiful."

"Thats a suitable answer." She shrugged. I didn't see why she wouldn't think that answer wasn't great. It's understandable how you can't explain something well that you love so much, but that answered the question.

"Okay, so can I ask you a question in return?"

"You just did." She bumped my arm with hers, smiling. "Go on."

"You're twenty-five. How come I've never even heard that you've had a girlfriend, let alone liked any girls. None of the members ever mention anything, but tease everyone else." I felt myself cringe and freeze involuntarily. I could feel the embarrassment on my cheeks slightly.

"Well, to be honest, I did have a girlfriend. The members just kept quiet about it. I've always had trouble finding girls that I like. They were all too shallow and they couldn't handle my schedule. It made them impossible to be around."

"Do you really trust me with this kind of information. You just met me," she asked, dumbfounded. I should have face her but my vision remained on the plate I was drying, not really focusing at the milky white surface.

"You know what, I do. I feel like I can trust anything to be safe with you, honestly." I looked at her. Her brown eyes were shining with happiness as she regarded me. It wasn't then until I realized that the only light in the kitchen was the overhead lamp. It only provided enough light to see.

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