• 18 • Restitution

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Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

Surprisingly, it was quite a warm day. The temperature was a lot higher than the days previously, and it was possible to go outside without twenty jackets on. The snow was melting, but the air wasn’t wet. It was a perfect day to spend outside, which is what I was doing.

Audrey decided that we had spent so many of our English lessons inside, that it would be nice to go out today for one. That’s why we all took advantage of the nice weather and went out.

Currently, we were at a nice park table. Leeteuk, Sungmin and I all occupied one side while Audrey took the other. Various papers and things were scattered on the table top.

Lately, I seem to have made quite the advancement in learning. All those times I studied by myself or with Audrey had payed off. Sungmin was naturally good at English, and Leeteuk wasn’t bad, but I had to admit that I was more advanced than them. Of course, they weren’t as close with her as I was, so I’ll have to give them that.

While Sungmin and Leeteuk were focused on a paper, I looked at her. She was staring at the table, and I moved my foot over to hers. She looked up at me and smiled. I noticed that her jacked had fallen down, exposing some of her shoulder, and one of her bruises. They still hadn’t disappeared, but they should be soon. I reached over and pulled up her jacket, and the sent me an expression of gratitude.

It’s been over a week since she was sexually assaulted, and she hadn’t told anyone else except her family. Besides them, I was the only one who knew, and who she confided in since. We’d often talk about it, but only as much as she wanted.

She sighed, and Leeteuk and Sungmin looked up from the paper, exchanging a glance. Sungmin nodded and Leeteuk set the paper down.

“Audrey, you’ve been different these past few days. We were wondering if you were okay.”

“I think that’s enough for today. We can wrap up early-” she said, starting to get up, but I stopped her. She looked at my hand on her arm questioningly.

“Tell them,” I said softly. They looked at me curiously, and she sat back down slowly.

“I didn’t know if I would tell you today, but I wanted to.”

“What’s wrong,” Sungmin asked, putting his hand on hers. She gripped it tightly. Then, she let go and took her jacket off, exposing the various dark purple bruises on her arms. The both gasped.

“On Valentine's Day, I went on a date with a guy I’d known for a few years. It was fine, until he drove me home. When we were sitting in the car, he tried to rape me. I know it’s a lot to take in and it’s so sudden, so I’m sorry,” she said slowly. I know she had trouble getting it out, and concern and anger filled the faces of the guys.

“Are you okay?” She nodded.

“The day after it happened, I went to the police. They took photos as evidence, but since there were no bodily fluids, they said it would be hard for him to be convicted unless there was a witness or he admitted to it. Thankfully, he admitted to it, and there was a witness. The giant black eye he had was a dead giveaway too, since it was consistent with my story.

“Who was the witness,” Sungmin asked.

“Me,” I said. They both looked at me shocked.

“You mean you knew? Why didn’t you tell us?”

“It wasn’t my place to tell.” They nodded, understanding.

“So you punched him and gave him a black eye too?” She shook her head and pointed to me.

“That was Kyuhyun.” Again, they both looked at me shocked.

“So you punched her assaulter?”

“Yeah.” They both gave me nods of approval.

“I knew you were a good one,” Leeteuk said. Audrey giggled and I smiled, happy with their approval.

“So do you know if he’s going to jail or what,” Leeteuk inquired. Audrey shook her head in response.

“He’s been arrested, but there’s been no conviction yet. There should be soon and he’ll probably be charged with sexual assault or attempted rape and probably get a few months to years in prison and be registered as a sex-offender.”

“It’s good that he’s going to pay for what he did. How are you about the whole situation,” Sungmin asked.

“I’m better than I was. The first night it happened, I had Kyuhyun with me, so it was better than dealing with it alone. He was so helpful, I don’t know what I would have done if he wasn’t there.” I smiled, happy to be praised.

“I’m also seeing a therapist. It was advised by both my family and the hospital, and I’ve seen her once since it happened. Even though it’s just once, it’s nice. I think it’s really going to help me so I’m not so traumatized.”

“You’re so strong, you know that,” I said. She scoffed at me, but she would never see how strong she really was.

“Yeah, okay.”

“You really are,” Sungmin said, Leeteuk backing him up.

“I think I’m strong, and I’m okay, but I’m not as strong as I could be.” I looked at her somberly.

“Who is?” It was a rhetorical question, so she just shrugged.

The rest of the day was fairly normal, and Sungmin and Leeteuk relaxed now that they knew what the matter was with Audrey. However, something kept bothering me. I hadn’t known why, but her statement about not being strong kept nagging at me. It wasn’t until I was talking with her later that night. We were in a serious discussion about her progress with recovering when I told her.

“You will never be as strong as you can be if you don’t admit that you are.” She looked down, fiddling with the blanket she had draped over herself.

“What if I don’t want to be strong?

“Then I’ll be strong enough for the both of us.”

Lost In Translation ((Super Junior- Kyuhyun Fanfic)) {completed} [editing]Where stories live. Discover now