• 21 • Oppa is a Bad Word

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Saturday, March 15th, 2014

A doctor walked into the waiting room, shoving his hands into the large pockets of his white coat. Everyone stood, surrounding him. Kat and Andrew got closer, the anxiety visible in their faces.

"Well, how did it go?" He took a deep breath but smiled.

"The surgery went perfect. It was the worst case of Appendicitis I've ever seen, and she's very lucky that we performed the surgery so soon because of her ruptured appendix," he said. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and Grace turned to us, explaining in detail.

"So she passed out from the pain," Andrew said.

"It's most likely that at that moment her appendix ruptured, causing severe pain. I heard she has a very low pain tolerance, so it's probable."

"Can we see her now?"

"She is back from post-surgery recovery, so you may, but she fell asleep after her initial wake up from the anesthesia and she is still asleep. We have her hooked up to an IV and she had scheduled pain medicine so if everything goes well, she could be discharged in a few days; no later than a week." Kat smiled and clasped her hands together.

"Thank you so much," she said. Andrew agreed and they wished each other well before the doctor left. Kat turned to me and smiled before she left for Audrey's room. Andrew got Penelope and quickly followed Kat out the door.

Once again, Grace explained to us. Sungmin put his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it and he inclined his head as to ask if I was okay. When I nodded that I was, he removed his hand. Grace got my attention.

"I'm sure you're itching to see Audrey. I'm sure her parents are going now and you should to." I shrugged, trying to seem more casual about the situation.

"It's not important for me to go now. I can go when you all see her too. I mean-" she held up a hand, stopping me.

"Kyuhyun, please stop. It may not be professional of me, and it may be out of line and disrespectful and I'm sorry about it, but you're not fooling anyone. I know that you like Audrey, hell everyone does except for her. So save the act for someone who doesn't get the obvious and go see her. You need to." Sungmin seemed slightly shocked at her boldness, but Donghae didn't. He leaned in closer to Sungmin.

"She had moments where she gets really ballsy. It's nothing new," he said quietly. She shot him a look-to which he just shrugged, grinning. Well, it's obvious they've come to know the girl well. Maybe almost as well as I do Audrey.

I didn't take what she said offensively. Sure, it wasn't very professional and she was quite direct in tone. It may just be the fact that I'm not in Korea surrounded by strict social standards on respect, but I didn't really give a shit. Despite the fact off all that, she was right.

I felt like an idiot now that I'm beginning to realize that I may have been good enough to hide my feelings from Audrey, but not everyone else. It was so apparent to everyone around us me that they knew, but I wonder since when.

"How long have you and everyone else known?" She sighed, shrugging.

"Sometime around when you started looking like you were about to either lose your mind or completely take her where she stood. So, probably around December."

"Oh," I said meekly. Did I really appear like that? I mean, I sure felt like that many times, so it was likely.

Sungmin and Donghae snickered a bit and this time, I was the one glaring at them. Grace crossed her arms, leaning against the door frame.

"So are you going to get your talented, Korean ass in her room or does Donghae have to throw you over his shoulder and carry you there?" I stepped close to her and leaned down slightly.

Lost In Translation ((Super Junior- Kyuhyun Fanfic)) {completed} [editing]Where stories live. Discover now