• 23 • Goodbye

630 13 3

Saturday, March 22nd, 2014

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. The smoothness of the white paint was boring, but I wasn’t really focused on that. I was thinking about Audrey. That’s all I seemed to be able to do since Wednesday; since I found the letters.

I sat on her floor for a long time after that. I read each and every letter, and reread a few of them. Every one of them talked about specific things corresponding to the year, and things in her life. I knew I had an effect, but I was the reason she did everything she did. I was the reason she became who she was, and I never realized how dramatic it all was.  

When I was done with the letters, I had put them back and left. I never went back the the hospital. I couldn’t. Not then, not that day. Instead, I had Sungmin take the bag to her. She questioned him why I hadn’t done it, but I told him nothing of what happened. I just said that I had to take care of something. She tried to call me after, but I ignored it.

She didn’t stop calling for a long time, and I don’t even know how many text messages she sent me. I never replied to a single one, until this morning. I had woken up to one single message from her: 

        You found the letters, didn’t you?

I didn’t have it in me to lie anymore, so I replied with a simple “yes”. She hadn’t said anything back, and I know words were to be saved for when I saw her today. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to handle seeing her, but I know that I have to.

Someone tapped on my foot and I looked down to see Sungmin standing at the edge of my bed. When he knew he had my attention, he crawled into the bed next to me, looking up at the ceiling too.

“No one knows what’s up with you these past few days. Ever since you went and saw Audrey Wednesday something has been up.”

“Audrey is in love with me,” I said frankly. I felt the sharp jerk of his head as he looked at me, but he didn’t look shocked. It was the first time I said it out loud, and it stung just as much as it did when I said it in my thoughts.

“And you just now know this?”


“We’ve been telling you all along. Hell, even her parents told you.”

“I know.”

“Well why do you just now know?”

“Do you remember Grace mentioning on my birthday that Audrey had written me letters on my birthday?” He thought for a moment, but shook his head.

“Not really.”

“Well, when I went to get Audrey clothes, I found the letters. I read them, and they confessed to everything. Sungmin, I swear to God reading them was one of the most painful things I’ve ever done.”

“Shouldn’t you be happy,” he asked, confused.

“I think on some level I am, but I’m more devastated than anything.”


“Because today is our last day in America. There are so many things separating the worlds between her and I. Yes, they overlap, but she is American. Her life is in America and the obstacles we would have to overcome are so large.” He sat up and turned to look at me.

“Don’t you think that the love you two share would be enough to try; enough to at least let yourself be happy for once. You say you’re in love with her, so shouldn’t it be worth it?” I put my arms over my eyes, groaning as I felt the onset of a headache.

Lost In Translation ((Super Junior- Kyuhyun Fanfic)) {completed} [editing]Where stories live. Discover now