• 19 • Meet the Holmes'

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Sunday, March 9th, 2014

Audrey sat on the edge of my bed, staring at the wall. I knew she was upset, but I couldn’t talk to her. She wouldn’t talk, even if I tried. Instead, she covers up her sadness by talking about anything but it. Still, I had to talk. I set down the clothes I was packing and sat beside her. She didn’t react to the bed sinking, or when I put my hand on her shoulder.


She didn’t say anything for a moment, but then slowly replied. “What?”

“You know we have to talk about this.” She shook her head.

“What’s there to talk about. You’re leaving in a week, and there’s nothing more. What could we possibly talk about?” Her voice was quiet but it was cold.

“So are we just never going to talk again? What about you contemplating moving to Korea to teach?” She stayed silent, and I sighed.

“Okay, then I guess we’ll talk later.” She opened her mouth like she was going to say something, but closed it. I left her, returning to my packing.

A few moments later she turned to me.

“My sister is having a birthday party this Saturday. She asked me if I would ask you to come.”

“You’re sister wants me to come?” She nodded and I pursed my lips. I had never meet her sister. As I thought about it, I’d never met much of Audrey’s family besides her parents. I’ve never even thought about meeting them. I think this would be good to do before I left.

“I would love to come.”

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

“Audrey I don’t know about this,” I said as I took a deep breath. She smiled, but it faltered a little. She winced slightly-like she was in pain.

“Are you okay?” Her face went back to normal.

“It was just a little pain. Probably a cramp or something.” I took the hint and looked back at the house in front of me. It was large and painted a pretty yellow color and white trim. I was surprised that her family didn’t live in the heart of New York, but I like it here. There were houses around, and it was a suburban feeling.

Even though it was the end of winter and nearly spring, there laid a garden of beautiful flowers defying the cold air. She noticed me looking at the flowers and walked over to observe them.

“My mom has the greenest thumb I’ve ever seen. It could be negative sixty out and she could have the biggest garden of flowers growing. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it, and nobody believes me when I tell them.”

“They’re gorgeous. I can just imagine what they’re like when there is snow around.” She looked at me and grinned.

“An image never compares to the real thing,” she said quietly. She and I held gazes for a few moments before she cleared her throat, and looked away.

“We should go in. They’re waiting for us.” I nodded and followed her as she walked up the stone steps. She knocked on the door and it wasn’t a few seconds before it bursted open and Audrey was grabbed up into a giant bear hug by her father. She squealed and laughed as he squeezed her tight and shook her.

I couldn’t help the giant grin that found it’s way onto my face as I saw the happiness in both of their faces. He set her down and she fixed her hair.

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