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                     - Shoutout to anyone who gets the chapter title! -

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

She writhed and screamed in pain for a second before her eyes shut and she fell to the hard floor, her head hitting the ground with a gut-wrenching crack that echoed in my own.

I was there in an instant, holding her as I panickedly tried to wake her.

"Audrey! Audrey! Wake up, Audrey!," I screamed. There was no response from her, and I looked back. Her mother was running towards us. She fell to the floor, nearly pushing me away as she looked at her.

"Someone call nine-one-one!" She looked at me desperately. "What happened?" I tried to find the words, but they wouldn't come. The only thing I could do was sit on the floor, hold her hand, and pray that she was okay. Her mother looked back to her and swept the hair out of her face gently.

"You're going to be okay. My babygirl, you're going to be okay," she whispered. Tears from her mother fell on her cheek and I wiped them away.

Her father appeared next to me, and looked at Audrey. His hand flew to his mouth, distraught. He took his place at her other side and held her hand close to himself.

I grew sadder and sadder as the moments went by until the ambulance arrived. I could barely stand to see Audrey in the condition she was. I hated that she was sick, but I hated this more. She was unconscious, there was something wrong with her, and I couldn't do anything to help her. I felt powerless, and I felt like something was very, very wrong.

"Are you coming with me?"

I didn't know what to do. In my moment of frazzlement, I couldn't understand anything. Audrey's father was in the kitchen, keys and phone in one hand, and his other on my shoulder.

Everyone had left, including Audrey and her mother. She had been taken in the ambulance, her mother accompanying her to the hospital. I didn't really understand much, but seeing her on the stretcher was one of the most painful things I've seen yet. I know how it feels to be on the other end, and I just hope nothing is for her like it was for me.

"I'm taking Penelope to the hospital with me. Are you going?" I nodded, not really having the voice to say anything.

I watched silently as he took Penelope out the side exit, where there was a ramp for her to their van. He helped her into the backseat and loaded the wheelchair in the back. It was something that was so fluid and natural that you just knew that they had done it many, many times before.

I got into the passenger side of the van as Andrew did. The car ride was silent except for Andrew explaining to Penelope what had happened to Audrey, and where we were going. It was sad to hear the pure, innocent concern in Penelope's voice as she asked what was wrong with her sister. It was even more sad to hear the sadness in Andrew's voice when he said he wasn't sure.

After he explained the situation to Penelope, everything was silent again. I stared out the window, but I didn't really see anything. The only thing that I saw was the blurry, dreary colors that whizzed by. The only thing I could think of was Audrey, and the only thing that I could hear was the sickening sound her head made when it hit the floor.

I cringed, my skin crawled and my stomach churned at the thought. I tried to push it away, but the more I tried, the harder it was to get rid of. I thought I had had enough when Andrew laid a hand on my shoulder again, diverting my attention and a mental appraisal for the destraction.

Lost In Translation ((Super Junior- Kyuhyun Fanfic)) {completed} [editing]Where stories live. Discover now