end of book author's note & extra scene

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Well, I finished the book.

You don't even know what it means to me personally that I started, and completed a book. Yeah, it's a fan fiction, but I treated it like I was J.K. Rowling and it was Harry Potter.

I can't thank anyone and everyone who read the story, for actually reading it. xD

It means so much to me that people read, commented, voted for it, because I do love that it makes others happy as well as me. It's been sort of a tough journey writing it, and I went through ups and downs in the part few months where sometimes, I clung to the story and relied on it and other times, I distanced myself from it. I may have even stopped writing for like 2 months at one point.

But, I love this story so much. Since I started writing in February of this year (I think it was February), it's the first book I wrote and I not only discovered what my writing style was like, I've grown and advanced over the many months. So, due to this face, I will soon go through and edit all the chapters. 

(I'm removing the part about writing in Audrey's POV because I've decided against it.)

But, this is the one and only author's note I have done and will like to do, so I don't want to make it too long. I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and their reads because it means a lot to me and I hope only to grow and improve. Until then, I will be working on my other story, Faking It along with the edits I'm making to Lost In Translation.

So, without further adieu, my surprise:

A never before seen, well, scene.

It's a scene that I have no idea what to do with but I thought it was cute so I can't let it go to waste. Yeah, it's so exciting, I know. But seriously, I had this dumb idea (before I even started to legitimately write the book) to write a scene through Audrey's POV out of nowhere and like, I wrote it (UGH, it's so pretentious). I wanted to change the POV and integrate it to my story, but it didn't work out so I'm not going to change anything... just copy and paste the unedited version. So, thank you all so much once again, and here you go.

I woke to the sound of snoring. It took me a few moments, but I opened my eyes. I waited for the blinding light of the room or the sun, but it never came. Instead, my eyes adjusted to the darkness that was around me. I shifted uncomfortably; I was lying on my back at a strange angle. I wondered for a moment where I was before it came back to me. I was in the hospital. The previous events filled my head. I groaned. How could I be so stupid, how could I love my temper like that. Seeing that... bitch latch herself onto him was bad enough, but then she had to kiss him. My skin started to get hot again and I clutched the bed sheets; nails digging into the skin of my hand, but I didn't care. Then, Kyuhyun's face came into my mind. The way he ran to catch me, the look of pure concern and pain on his face for me, and the look of horror at the sight of my blood. My fists released and my attention was brought back to the snoring.

Somehow, I knew who it was before I even turned my head, but when I did, a small smile graced what was sure to be my unkempt face. Kyuhyun had one arm on the edge of the bed, outstretched like he had been holding my hand, and his head way laying on the other one. His head was turned towards me, and moonlight illuminated his face through the window. I felt my heart skip a beat and my stomach fill with butterflies. He was so beautiful, and I was so hopelessly in love with him.

His snoring subsided for the moment and my hand moved up to his hair, and I ran my fingers through it. It was so silky and soft. I let my hand trail down to his cheek, resting it there. Moving my thumb gently across his lower lip. He was so perfect.

I felt the rhythmic breathing of his chest, and just listened to him breathe. It was the most peaceful moment I had ever experienced, and the most painful. It wasn't until then that I noticed the throbbing pain in the right side of my stomach. I'm sure it wasn't there before. I was prepared to endure it, but it became more intense and I winced, grabbing it.

Lost In Translation ((Super Junior- Kyuhyun Fanfic)) {completed} [editing]Where stories live. Discover now