• 15 • It Takes Two to Tango

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Monday, January 27th, 2014 

“Bye. It was great meeting you.” James skipped the handshake I offered and went straight for a hug, which I reciprocated warmly.

“You too. See you again.” He patted my back and let go, nodding.

“Yup,” he turned to Audrey and smiled, “and I always wish to see you again.” She grinned, practically attacking him with a hug. I chuckled as he picked her up and swung her around. Her flowy skirt billowed in the wind and I relished in her laugh. He set her down and squeezed her tightly once more before letting go.

“I’ll call you often.”

“Okay. Have a safe trip!” He thanked her and stepped into the taxi with a goodbye wave.

“Keep her safe,” he shouted to me. She gave him a look but didn’t say anything.

“I will.” He nodded to me, and we exchanged looks, where no verbal communication was needed to understand what was said between us.

Don’t hurt her.  

He finally closed the door and the taxi drove off. I watched Audrey as she watched the taxi until it was out of sight. She sighed loudly, her breath visible in the cold weather.

“I can’t believe he’s moving. I never thought this day would come.” She said and we turned, walking into the SM building. We had decided to all come here since we had practice this morning, and an interview tonight, and say our goodbyes before we went in.

“Are you relieved?”

“He’s out of an abusive home, and mine too for that fact, so of course I am. I’m happy he’s getting his life together. I love him, but I always had to take care of him so much. I never minded but I always wondered when life would catch up to him.” The security man at the door greeted us as we passed by- something that I had strangely grown a fondness for. The man was always so kind.

“I’m glad for it as well.” In the week that I had known James, my eyes were opened greatly. After our conversation in the kitchen the first day, James and I had grown to become friends.

He was like Audrey in a lot of ways, and I learned so many things about her from him. It’s also like talking about how I feel about Audrey to someone who knows her like he does, my understanding of my feelings had grown. I feel more mature and responsible about the whole situation.

“Where is he moving to?” He had had said it earlier, but I forgot it. American places seemed to confuse me quite a bit.

“He’s moving to Pennsylvania, the next state over, to a small town that I’ve never hear of, so you definitely wouldn’t have.” She said it matter-of-factly, but she was right.

“Oh, that’s quite a change from New York. Do you think he’ll have a hard time adjusting,” I asked as we stepped into the elevator and hit the button for the floor where the studio was located.

“Not really. I think he’ll have a difficult time meeting new people, because he’s sort of an introvert, but he’ll be fine.”

“That’s good.” The doors opened and I led the way to the practice room.

The interpreters had never been to one of our practices before since they were very long and sometimes intensive, so this was their first one. There had never really been a need for them to tag along and even though it surprised me they never have before, it was more convenient for them to be here today so we can just go straight to the interview scheduled later tonight.

We were immediately greeted by everyone, the noise level rising as everyone started making a ruckus.

Everyone addressed everyone they had missed already, and I saw that Megan and Grace were already here. Audrey went to them, undoubtedly gushing about being here. I knew Audrey was ecstatic since she told me she had always loved watching practice videos because they lacked the glamour and show-like atmosphere that really distracted people. She said that it was the best way to see the true talent we have and how hard we’ve worked.

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