section 9, accident

206 8 0

Jihoon's pov

Is this how it feels to be dead? Everything is pitch black and I don't know where I am. I'm pretty sure, that someone is yelling, but I don't know who it is.

Yoojung's pov

I was walking home with Taehee and jihoon, when I heard jihoon telling me to watch out. A car was coming by, I was overwhelmed by the shock and couldn't move. The next thing I knew, was that he was on the floor, passed out.

"Jihoon! I can't lose you like this!" I begged him to come back alive. Although I also had a few injuries, they weren't as bad as my wrecked heart.

Taehee was calm and called the ambulance. I was lucky enough to have someone like her here.

" How coukd have this happened?" Think yoojung, think! I can't think of anything why did jihoon even do that? Does he perhaps like me? No, never.

"what happened!? He seems unconscious!" A guy yelled

Me and taehee turned around and saw......

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