30:memory crystal

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I saw a present on my table issued to me.It has a pretty bow. Small box. Must be one of the parcel deliveries.

I open the box and see a memory crystal in it. A memory crystal... it can copy one part of a person's memories.

I touch onto the crystal curious what memory is in it.

memory crystal:

I was wearing a maid's uniform. It was the time when I was at matsumoto's house.  I was serving kojo his afternoon snacks.

me: kojo-sama your snacks.

kojo: thank you FN .

me: you don't have to say thank you. It's my job.

kojo: it's manners. And....I don't treat you like the others. You know that.

me: kojo-sama...

kojo:I lost something on my bed . Please help me find it.

I went to the bed touching onto the blankets trying to feel for something solid.

Suddenly he pushed my back and I fell onto his bed.  When I turned around he was over me...

I was blushing red.


kojo: I found what I lost.

me: I'm...always here kojo-sama...how can I be lost...?

kojo: ohya...you can be quite the talker.You naughty girl.

me: gomenasai. I'll accept any punishment for my defiance.

kojo... carassed my face and came closer to me. I gulped. ..not knowing what to do.

This colour and font stands for what  I'm thinking now. Only for this chp.

I don't want to see!!!  I know what's going to happen.... THAT'S WHY I DON'T WANT TO WATCH ON!!!

Somebody!!! ANYBODY!!! TAKE THIS CRYSTAL AWAY!! OR BREAK IT NOW!!! or I'll be forced to watch what happens next.  I   DON'T   WANT   TO !!!

*erm so...the person actually go into a trance and can't do anything until the person watch finish the memory crystal. Its like one of the effects of the crystal. *

Suddenly the image breaks and I don't have to watch what has to happen.  I was snapped back to reality.

my pov:

I saw kyouya holding onto the memory crystal. He had taken it away from me.No!!!!

I kick the crystal out of his hands and stepped on it crushing it into pieces.

hibari: did he kiss you?

I don't know how to respond. ..all in my head is the images I saw. ..

I'm so confused!!! Did I betray kyouya? but that was in the past right? But. ..I did kiss kojo...

I don't know what to think...my brains so messed up I can't think properly. Tears start to fall as I  feel messed up. I feel so lost. ..

I run out of the room and went to hide in chiyuu's room.


The dark dark room...fits my confused and lost mood.... I just sit there blanking out. ..

suddenly the door clicked open and I got so alerted to only know it's chiyuu.

chiyuu:what happened?

Her soft and gentle voice...makes it soothing for me. It was rare that chiyuu would use this tone to talk to me.

me: I don't know...can...I sleep here?

chiyuu hugged me in her arms and stroked my hair.

chiyuu: of course.

I feel so secure and better already.

chiyuu: 2 huge black holes near each other is bound to make rifts.Poor thing that you're what that's going to be split.

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