19:that me.

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hibari : chibi.

me : kyouya. ..why are you here(my house)?

hibari : I can't come?

me : I didn't say anything. ..

hibari : the 3 punishments and 1 favour. You still owe me.

He still remembers....I thought he forgot. I blush a little thinking about punishments. ...he always makes things difficult for me. ..

hibari : wear this.

He throws a frilly dress over my head . Black in colour, Gothic style.

me : but...but...its so...

hibari : so?

me : never mind....

I wear the dress as he asks.

He puts his arm over my shoulder and his face comes close to mine.I blush...happy...

hibari : you look so so cute I want to do something naughty to you.

me : ky. ..kyouya. ..

hibari : this is not even counted as one of your punishments.

me : you're always. ..so mean.

hibari : don't come and look for me until the you I know comes back. That's your punishment.

what is he talking about? the me he knows?What me? He leaves having a smirk on his face.


carrie: chibi, get me that will you?

me:you can't call me that.

carrie:why not?You're kyouya's, kyouya's mine...so you're kinda mine too.

me:don't push it.

carrie: *laughs* you're the one pushing it.How can you even think of sharing my kyouya with you?

me:shut up. Kyouya didn't say anything. I'm. ..just a toy.What are you so afraid for?

carrie: Its hibari. Don't call as you like.

me:you're scared?Scared that kyouya likes me more?

carrie takes up my collar. I didn't resist,its useless anyway . She's stronger than me.

She was irritated by how I can just look her in the eyes straight. No fear . It just pisses her off . It's that obvious.

She throws me and I land a distance from her.I didn't even scream or make a sound.It pisses her off even more.

carrie: why? Why are you so similar to me? You're so similar that it makes me want to hate myself.

me:we're. ..different.

carrie: yea we are . You're a toy and I am not.

Her very words were true. So true that it stings me.I don't want to admit it...but...I love kyouya to much to give him up.

Somewhere....somewhere in my heart,  I just hope he could embrace me like he used to.Look at me like he used to...treat me not a toy.

That's why I stayed...stay to hope.Hope. ..that day will come.

Suddenly I felt a soft touch to my head. I looked up and realized its kyouya. I was so happy I hugged him.

hibari:why are you here? I thought I told you about your punishment.

He was smiling. For what I don't know. I just know...I'm happy to see his smile. His rare smile.

me: job . Later.

hibari: don't die.Chibi.I haven't allowed you yet.


His face comes nearer to mine making me blush a little. What does he want to do?  'I saw it. What happened just now . You're almost there.Just a little more.' he whispered.

me:a little more...?

hibari:a little more and you're back.

I don't understand...what did I do to make him think that way?What did I do...that is the me he knows?

He stands up to leave when I grabbed onto his wrist. I want an answer.I look up to him with widened eyes, 'what must I do?'

hibari:that you have to figure out.

I let go.Again...again he makes things difficult for me. I want him back so badly yet I don't know what I need to do. I hate this feeling.

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