39: the truth

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hibari pov:

ale...Where's my chibi. I was sure that I hugged tight enough to not let her go. I went out to look for her.

hibari: chibi. What are you doing?

me: making breakfast. Pancakes!!!

hibari: get Carrie to do that.

me: she's busy playing with alsia.

alsia: I'm not some kid. I'm a mature kid.

me: hai hai.

hibari: how did you get out of my squeeze?

alsia: mama. They're talking dirty.Please do something about this . I'm a kid.

me: its not dirty!! Its nowhere dirty.


me:you just said you're a mature kid!!! shut up!!!

hibari: you haven't answered me.

me: slip. I just slip away. I did a good job didn't I? Not waking you up.

hibari: hn...of course not.

'that was supposed to make sure you stay.' I whispered putting my arm over her shoulder.

'eh....' she blushed so hard she looked away. 'I....need. ..some more milk...' she pushed my arm away slightly.

*giggles* she took the milk  from the fridge and just stopped there not wanting to move.

carrie: ooi. ooi. The pancakes is getting burnt.

me: shut...up...I'm cooling down...yea...cooling. ..

'don't get so red. Its just taking milk.Or...is it you want to cool down and than get hot with me again?' I whispered.

me:  *blush* ky....kyouya!!!!

alsia: ooi. ooi. Over mature content. Put a PG-13 on this please.  or maybe a NC-16 .

me: shut up!!! shut up!!! You dirty people!!! Especially you carrie!!!

carrie: huh??? I didn't do or say anything. I just said burnt pancakes.

me: its because of you that's why kyouya is so dirty.Must be your fault!!!

Carrie: huh??? Its not!!! He is that dirty!!! Trust me.

me: than...than... than its alsia's fault! !!

alsia: I'm just a kid.

chiyuu: you guys are so noisy. Can you just shut up? He's just being dirty. Bear with it.

Takeshi: you can't blame FN. she's too innocent.

me: I'm not!!! Don't make me sound like a kid!!! *blush* I've...done stuff... hmph.

hibari: why are you here?

kojo:can't I?

chiyuu: how the fuck did you get in?

kojo:spare key.

my pov:

Kyouya grabbed and hugged me tightly. I couldn't see anything accept for his chest.

I only know kojo is here and they seem pretty pissed at him.

kojo: I've come to retrieve what's supposedly mine.

hibari: I told you . Nothing is yours.

kojo: oh...and the cure. Its a fake.It didn't exist.

chiyuu: We know. I checked everything out.

hibari: busybody chiyuu even found out that the 20 people you want me to kill are all people who are assasins from your house under your father's faction.

chiyuu:hey!!! Busybody sounds ugly. There's a nicer name for that.Called stalker.

alsia: actually...stalker sounds worse... just take busybody and be happy about it.

kojo: but you still helped me.Why?

takeshi:  I wasn't helping you.chiyuu said that way you wouldn't be suspicious of what we have already done.

hibari: tsk. I wouldn't need your help to kill those 20 people.

Takeshi:maa...chiyuu asked me.

kojo: what did you do?!!!

chiyuu: se-cr-et.hehe. *smirk*

carrie: how come I didn't know any of this?

chiyuu: because I needed you to stay with paka chibi-san to make sure she's fine.

carrie: you still could have told me!!!

chiyuu: you're a paka too.Doing what you like. Like that paka over there.

hibari: ooi. kamikorosu.

chiyuu: its hard enough to talk sense into him to wait. Nevertheless you. Paka animals. You'll sure want to come along to kill if I told you.

hibari: chibi let me kill her.

chiyuu:  1 week of preparation.

kojo: what? so you people killed 20 people in 2 weeks ??!!! professional assasins.

takeshi: I'm not an easy opponent. Much less a pissed off hibari. This guy refuse to rest for 3 days until he finally fainted.


chiyuu: he made that van accident happen chibi-san.

hibari: leave. kamikorosu

kojo:I'll be back.

I pushed kyouya away gently and walked towards pass the table with a fruit knife in my hand.


I walked over to kojo and grabbed onto his collar.He laughed a little thinking it was amusing.

I took the fruit knife and placed at its throat. I slice a little and let a little blood flow.

me: you are not coming back.Not into this house.

kojo:*smirk* not true. 

I let go and he collapsed onto the floor  he walked out.

I went over to kyouya and hugged him tight.

me: gomene...I made you go through so much.

hibari: its nothing. I had quite a little fun myself.

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