Chapter 3: Hagrid... and being a Witch

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Summary: Harry Potter, in onee world is reckless golden boy of Gryffindor. In this world Harry, now Harriet is a soft spoken girl, that choses to fight for her own wants after she is willingly taken away from the Dursleys. Many thing will bend to her way, but at the same time the cursed Potter luck will follow, causeing unsavory problems as she makes her way though Hogwarts.

This is a fem-harry fanfiction where instead of being place in Gryffindor she is placed into Huffulpuff. Dumbledore bashing, no golden trio (just acquaintance with Ron and Hermione) and mutual friendship with Draco.






Chapter 3: Hagrid... and being a Witch?

The next few days Harriet was not having a great time. It had started off with her getting burned on the arm with the grease oil of Dudley's breakfast when he had decided to just come waddling into the kitchen, and slams her into her back as she's standing next to the stove. After being startled, her aunt suddenly screeches, racing into the kitchen causing her to scorch her other arm in the process.

The second day Harriet was forced to clean the bathroom without any protective gear as Petunia had 'forgotten' to buy some more after she threw out the old ones.

At the Third day Harriet had to replant the flowers Dudley ripped up from her aunt's garden, the dirt scrubbing it's way into her burns. Later that night she ended up getting an infection that she had to secretly cleaned from the first aid kit that she found in her bag one day from coming back from school.

Over all, that week, the Dursley's became worse and more over bering than usual, constantly unhappy and breathing down her back. Because of how tense the Durely's got her escape plan book almost got found, and her punishments became more aggressive, leaving her numb and unconscious.


It was a stormy night and Harriet flipped onto her stomach, careful of her arms went so she wouldn't accidently reopen the burns. Looking at her cousin's old watch she then proceeded to draw a small cake on the wall with eleven candles. At the strike of 12 Harriet, used her fingers, smudged the flames of the candles as she wished herself happy birthday.

Not even 5 minutes after Harriet had smudged the flames the door thundered, shaking the whole house in the process. The door quickly gave way and something entered the house. Vernon and Petunia came running down the stairs sending dust raining down on her.

Focusing back to the people who were at the end of the stairs Harriet could hear her uncle yelling that whoever was at the door was breaking an entry. Peering through the slight opening of her door's vent she could see a large man with a big beard and a pink umbrella bend Vernon's shotgun with his bare hands.

"Now where's lil 'arriet." The man rumbled.

Harriet blood ran cold. She was scared, no, she was terrified why would someone be looking for her, and that man looked nothing like an officer. Quickly she backed away from the door, only for her foot to accidentally hit the door making everything on the other side go silent.

Pushing herself even back farther Harriet quickly tried to to hide herself with the minimalists amount of object in cupboard, hoping that they could somehow protect or at least distract the man to make a big enough opening for her to escape from her cupboard if the intruding man decides to go after her. Heavy footsteps came towards the door and Vernon snaps out yells, threatening the man to stay away from that door. But the footsteps didn't slow down.

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