Chapter 6: Platform 9 ¾

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AN: Sorry about the late update, for a while I was pretty busy and sorta forgot to write this chapter, but here it is now. There should be another chapter going to be posted soon, like within the same month.

Summary: Harry Potter, in one world is reckless golden boy of Gryffindor. In this world Harry, now Harriet is a soft spoken girl, that chooses to fight for her own wants after she is willingly taken away from the Dursleys. Many thing will bend to her way, but at the same time the cursed Potter luck will follow, causing unsavory problems as she makes her way through Hogwarts. This is a fem-harry fanfiction where instead of being placed in Gryffindor she is placed into Hufflepuff. Dumbledore bashing, no golden trio (just acquaintance with Ron and Hermione) and mutual friendship with Draco.





Chapter 6: Platform 9 ¾

September 1st came flying on over and it was time to get to the station and board the Hogwarts express. It was a nerve wracking event, but luckily Harriet wasn't going to be doing it alone, two of the healers that had been taking care of her that had muggle experiences as a half blood, were going to take her through London station, to get to platform 9 ¾.

Getting to the station, Harriet decided that it was a pretty strange but very interesting, as she finally discovered what fooing was. It wasn't all that pleasant. She felt as if her stomach was flipped and knotted before it suddenly came crashing down.

The station was packed filled and with so many people, Harriet fidgeted uncomfortably with the blanket on her lap. The reason why there was a blanket on her lap was because they decided that she was going to be in a wheelchair. It was earlier that day when she tried to stand up, Jane and the other healers learned that her legs could no longer support her new body weight. The muscles in her leg had got weakened while she was bedridden for the whole time she had been in the hospital's care.

As Jane was wheeling her down the station, with another healer, Julie pushing her Hogwarts stuff Harriet couldn't help but notice that the people around them seem to unconsciously move out of their way. It was as if there was an invisible force that just pushed them away. Jane later explained that she and Julie had casted a notice me not spell onto them, because they noticed how she didn't like having all that much attention placed onto her.

Overall, Harriet's trip in the station was a short one. They only stopped when someone was directly in front of them and they had to wait for them to move out of the way. That and the time when Julie told her and Jane to wait around the corner before, she marched on over to stopped and criticize the large group of red haired people who apparently were basically going against the statute of secrets.

After coming back to them, Julie turned to Harriet and told her to be wary about that family because, although the magical world had families to help the new muggleborns find the platform, the families in charge of doing so, would never shout out the platform's name with such little tact or caution.

Continuing to their final stop, Harriet was confused. It was an empty pillar. She couldn't understand why they decided to stop. Looking up Harriet search for the platform 9 and ¾, but didn't see one. All she saw was the 9th and the 10th platform. Frowning Harriet was about to write down her question, when she saw how the two nurses nodded their heads at each other and ran towards the pillar before them. The pillar!

Harriet quickly clenched her eyes shut tightly, a scream trapped within her throat. They were going to crash! It was a reasonable conclusion, especially when one forgets that magic exists. Ready for the sharp sensation of pain, Harriet was thankfully greeted by a simple cool breeze and the sound of a steam whistle.

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