Chapter 11: Remind the Reset

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Summary: Harry Potter, in one world is reckless golden boy of Gryffindor. In this world Harry, now Harriet is a soft spoken girl, that chooses to fight for her own wants after she is willingly taken away from the Dursleys. Many things will bend to her way, but at the same time the cursed Potter luck will follow, causing unsavory problems as she makes her way through Hogwarts. This is a fem-harry fanfiction where instead of being placed in Gryffindor she is placed into Hufflepuff. Dumbledore bashing, no golden trio (just acquaintance with Ron and Hermione) and mutual friendship with Draco.






Chapter 11: Remind the Reset

When Harriet woke up she had no idea where she was. Quickly darting her eyes around Harriet only slightly became less panicky after she saw that she was in a hospital-like room. It was the hospital wing. Calming down she realized that her throat was burning. Biting her lip she placed one of her hands over her throat.

Shuttering, Harriet began to massage her neck slowly to ease the pain with the help of her cold hands. Swallowing she could tell that her throat was swollen and by the slight slick sensation of her throat, it was torn as well.

"You're awake!"

Harriet jumped up, clutching onto the bed that was tightly tucking her in place.

"Hello dear I'm the school's nurse Poppy."

Processing the information Harriet just blankly blinked at Poppy.

"Well it's quite the pleasure to meet you madam Potter however, when looking over your records you should have come to me as soon as possible especially with the condition that you have. Did a house elf never come get you?" Poppy said while looking over a clip board.

Harriet starred in surprise. What in the world is a house elf, and She did try to get to the hospital wing beforehand. She had tried to get there multiple times. All of these times Harriet, and her friends couldn't find it on time or when they did there was no one there and curfew was coming up forcing them to leave. She even left notes and letters. .

"Here you go." Poppy said seeing that Harriet wanted something to say, bringing over Harriet's notebook and a quill for her to write. Poppy really wanted to know why the girl hadn't come to her as soon as possible. But it seems like she takes after her father more than her mother.

' I did come and try visiting you. I even left you letters and notes.'

Reading, Poppy could only vaguely remember something like that but that could have been from anyone. Still, Poppy could feel deep within her that something like that did happen, so she apologized. It was only right after all and it was part of her healer's oath to never turn for those who came healing.

Harriet squinted at the nurse with suspicions when Poppy apologized to her. No one really apologizes to her other than Jane and Jullie from St. Mungos. And that only happened a few times during her stay.

"Well now that is settled, I'm going to cast a diagnosis charm over you in case of anything that I may have missed yesterday at your initial healing process. Is that alright to miss Potter."

Harriet nodded. It made sense for Poppy to make sure that she didn't have any hidden injuries. The process for the spell was quick and harmless just like the ones Harriet was used to being done at st. Mungos.


While sitting alone, as Poppy had left her, Harriet froze when she saw a familiar face by the door. It was Professor Snape. She could immediately feel the hairs on her neck rise and she began to shake. Her memories of exactly why she was in the hospital wing flooded into her head.

Step by step the professor got closer, and Harriet Patted her wrists, only to find that her wand wasn't on her. Shutting her eyes and holding her breath she couldn't help but wish that she was invisible so that the professor couldn't find her.

The steps eventually stopped.

"Potter... there... I... I apologize for the unrequited treatment that was given to you. You were not in the wrong. It... it was me.

This was something Harriet would have never expected to hear. Especially from the professor that terrifies pretty much the whole school. But Harriet wasn't having it. After all that man had sent her into a panic attack which caused her throat to tear and walk up inside of the hospital. So with that, Harriet continued to wish herself invisible and that the professor would just leave her alone hoping that her magic would somehow activate.

"I can see that you do not wish to see or believe me at the moment." Severus sighed. "I know that I would if my professor had sent me to the hospital as well. However, I ask you to some day forgive me for what I have done to you."

Harriet didn't move until she couldn't hear the professor anymore. Letting go of a breath that she didn't even know that she was holding, Harriet hugged her knees. It was a first. That was the first time that anyone gave her a choice on apologies, nonetheless have someone say it in such a meaningful way. She didn't even know that there were options when it came to apologies.

She could forgive him, but she didn't have to. Harriet didn't know what to do. It was complicated. It was an option, a choice for her to make. Yet why did she feel even more helpless when thinking about it.

If she was back at the Dursleys the answer would have been so easy. It would have been to just shut up and smile. Or at least something along those lines. Harriet quickly shook her head feeling sick. While living like that was somewhat easier there was nothing good about living inside of that awful house.


Looking up Harriet forgot about the Dursleys, as she was smothered by all of the hugs her friends were giving her. And she means everyone. Susan, Hanna, Nevile, Blaise, and Daphne.

They were all there.

"You're alive!"

"The professor didn't kill you!"

"A-are you alright."

Hearing how worried her friends were, Harriet couldn't help but give a silent laugh. She was so happy that they cared so much about her. A girl that they hardly know. As tightly as she could Harriet hugged everyone back.

While as much Harriet didn't like physical contact, hugs, she concluded were really nice.

"Do you know how long you have to be here before they can let you go?" Blaise asked.

'I'm doing great Nevile. They said I could leave whenever I'm ready to leave, but that I had to have someone leave with me just in case nothing was to happen on my way back to the dorms. Also you know how long I have been gone for.'

"That great then let's get going dinner should be starting soon, so we could go eat then head back to the dorms." Said Hanna.

"And for how long you have been out." said Daphne, " It's been a whole day."

Excited to be leaving the bed, Harriet completely forgot that her chair wasn't next to her bed and that she wouldn't be able to walk. With the grace of a cat with its whiskers cut, Harriet crumpled straight to the ground.

"Oh... so that's why you need the chair. You can't actually stand."

Still having her notebook and pen in her reach Harriet retorted. 'I will be after this term is finished. That's when my operation is going to happen.'

For the next ten minutes they spent trying to help Harriet back into her chair. The key word being try as every time that they had gotten close to the chair someone would end up bumping into the chair causing it to roll away from them. There was also the fact that the only reason why they had managed to get Harriet into her chair was due to an older student who just happened to be passing by and took pity on them when seeing what they were doing.

It was there that a group of first years learned how to use the spell charm wingardium leviosa.

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