Chapter 7: Petunia, What a Bitter Flower

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AN: Ok, so when writing this was suppose to be some short little paragraphs, but as I kept on writing it it got longer and more complicated, that I just made it into its own chapter, and boy am I glad as this is probably my longest chapter inside of this Fanfiction so far. Also the reasoning for why I depicted Lily as the way I did was due to the fact that people aren't all that perfect and Lily's friends have mostly seem only one side of her while Petunia growing up with her as seem more. Also this chapter was to show how Petunia became so bitter to begin with and why she lashed out the way she did, although it was not excuse for her the actions.

Summary: Harry Potter, in one world is reckless golden boy of Gryffindor. In this world Harry, now Harriet is a soft spoken girl, that chooses to fight for her own wants after she is willingly taken away from the Dursleys. Many things will bend to her way, but at the same time the cursed Potter luck will follow, causing unsavory problems as she makes her way through Hogwarts. This is a fem-harry fanfiction where instead of being placed in Gryffindor she is placed into Hufflepuff. Dumbledore bashing, no golden trio (just acquaintance with Ron and Hermione) and mutual friendship with Draco.





Chapter 7: Petunia, What a Bitter Flower

Petunia was scrubbing the floor in rigorous furry. It had been only been 3 days after the freak was taken and she was exhausted with all of the cleaning and garden work that she had to do. No matter how hard she worked the house and garden no longer shined and stunned people like it use to.

Stumbling up, Petunia cursed as she bumped into a shelf. Turning to face the shelf, her face paled in horror as she watched her mother's vase fall from the shelf and shatter onto the floor. Dropping everything, Petunia scrambled her way over towards the shattered porcelain, winching in pain as she feels the cut into her skin as she tries to gather up pieces. Sweeping her hands Petunia froze.

Shakley reaching out, Petunia grabbed a folded sheet among the broken china. Carefully she opened the sheet and felt all of her energy leave her. The sheet wasn't some random sheet placed inside of her mother's prized vase, it was a photo. A photo that she had completely forgotten about until now.

Petunia wanted to cry. In the photo it was a picture of her and... Lily, back when everything was perfect, where everyone was happy. Back when they were still sisters. Looking at the picture she could still clearly remember when the photo was taken and why she had hid it in the vase.

The photo was taken back when Petunia was 9 and Lily 6, she had just finished beating up some kids in their neighborhood for bullying a crying Lily. After those kids had ran off, it was then she and Lily had made a promise, a vow to always protect each other and to be by each other's side. Their parents were so worried by their injuries, but at the same time so proud that they had stuck together. She could remember how her mother had slapped her father's shoulder as he took out a camera stating that they had to commemorate the memory. Oh she gave the biggest and goofiest grin that she could manage, so proud of protecting her sister and their promise together, her arm around her smiling, puffy eyed sister.

But that happiness didn't last and not even two years later Lily had meet that Snape boy, that lived at the end of their street. When meeting him it wasn't all that bad, in fact it was actually kinda cool meeting a wizard for the first time, but the day that they had meet him was when Petunia's was in an awful mood. All she wanted to do was forget about her troubles and play with her little sister, but no, he just had to show up that day. Nearing the end of her patients, she finally snapped when he called her sister a witch, that she shouldn't be with muggles. Even though she didn't know what muggle meant she knew that it wasn't that nice of a word so she tried to get them back to their house where it was safe. Where it was away from that strange boy. But Lily didn't want to, she wanted to know more.

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