Chapter 9: Finding my house

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A/N: The new school term is crazy, and same with my level (lack of, sorry) motivation for writing these chapters. 

Summary: Harry Potter, in one world is reckless golden boy of Gryffindor. In this world Harry, now Harriet is a soft spoken girl, that chooses to fight for her own wants after she is willingly taken away from the Dursleys. Many things will bend to her way, but at the same time the cursed Potter luck will follow, causing unsavory problems as she makes her way through Hogwarts. This is a fem-harry fanfiction where instead of being placed in Gryffindor she is placed into Hufflepuff. Dumbledore bashing, no golden trio (just acquaintance with Ron and Hermione) and mutual friendship with Draco.






Chapter 9: Finding my house

If Harriet wasn't here in person, she would have never believed in the sight before her. It was as if she had just entered a fairytale. Sure it was dark, but from the window of her compartment she could see the stone walls, towers with cone top and unearthly glow surrounding the castle, and it was on a cliff making it the castle look as if it was on a moat! The word pretty couldn't even begin to explain how amazing it looked.

A knock at their door pulled Harriet out of her awe of the castle, making her turn her head in curiosity. The door opened and an older boy with dirty blond hair peered into their compartment. "Hey there, I'm just dropping by to tell you that we're almost at Hogwarts, so if any of you haven't changed yet you better hurry on up." With that, just as quickly as he came in he was gone.

Looking down at her clothes Harriet was glad that Jane and Julie told her to just wear the uniform straight to Hogwarts, because even though she now had a healthy upper body, she still practically had no muscles in her. Even all that writing she doing was tiring for her to an extent. If she had to change her clothes she probably wouldn't have had to ask one of her new friends to help her. It would have been embarrassing and she couldn't just burden them with her freakish uselessness.

Harriet quickly slapped her cheeks. She was not useless, she was not a freak, she was fine. Taking a deep breath Harriet reminded herself of her mantra, "I... be... prove. Prove it yourself " clenched her fist. "A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms."(By unknown)

Feeling her nerves frizzle down Harriet opened up her eyes, not realizing that she had closed them in the first place. Glancing over at Susan and Daphne and seeing them busy with their ties, Harriet let out a quiet sigh of relief. They didn't notice her little nerve frizz.


Soon after the boys had returned back to their compartment, the train stopped and Harriet was in a bind. Getting off of the train was something that Harriet never really thought of it until that very moment. Her wheelchair. While it was easy for her to get on the train with no one really realizing that she had a wheelchair, getting off of the train was a whole other story. There was no way she could get off without her new friends from seeing her in a wheelchair.

Harriet knew that she already looked pretty pathetic, with their inability to talk! It irritated her to no end. She just kept on showing more, and more weakness. That she was a- Harriet immediately cut her train of thought. Sure she accepted that it was better being a freak instead of... of a Dursley, but hearing herself just about to degrade herself-.

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