Chapter 10: Potion Panic

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A/N: This year is a mess. Sorry about the late updates I completely forgot about this chapter that I had written up, but in someways I'm glad that I didn't post it as I had a lot of editing to make sure that it made sense with the chapter that followed after this and to fix my some of my grammar.

Summary: Harry Potter, in one world is reckless golden boy of Gryffindor. In this world Harry, now Harriet is a soft spoken girl, that chooses to fight for her own wants after she is willingly taken away from the Dursleys. Many things will bend to her way, but at the same time the cursed Potter luck will follow, causing unsavory problems as she makes her way through Hogwarts. This is a fem-harry fanfiction where instead of being placed in Gryffindor she is placed into Hufflepuff. Dumbledore bashing, no golden trio (just acquaintance with Ron and Hermione) and mutual friendship with Draco.






Chapter 10: Potion Panic

Harriet felt a bit embarrassed but was really grateful that Susan and the perfect that help her get to the great hall for breakfast. Without them there was no way that she could have gone up all of those stairs.

Rolling the rest of the way into the Hall, Harriet quickly caught sight of Neville in the hall and waved him over. 'Good morning! How was your first night?'

"I-it was great, I-I think that I got along with m-my new r-roommates well. How was yours?"

Susan smiled brightly and began chattering away on how amazing their dorms were, the challenges they had with the stairs, the cool and wonderful perfect that helped Harriet up and down the stairs and how they made a friend of their new dorm mate, Hanna Abott. Speaking of Hanna she was by their side and was easily getting along with Neville.

Reaching the Hufflepuff table, they were treated with the sight of breakfast before them. Gathering up some fruit and bread, Harriet saw Blaise and Daphne and waved them over. 'Good morning! How was your first night?'

Before any of them could answer a voice, cut them off. "What are you doing there?"

The words made Harriet freeze, the tone it sounded exactly what the Dursleys would say whenever they saw her. Slowly she turned her head and was greeted with a somewhat familiar redhead. It was Ronald Whesely. Not noticing the looks that the others were giving him, he continued. "Don't you snakes know, this is the Hufflepuff table, not yours."

Turning towards them, Ron then smuggly said to them. "You shouldn't bother with these freaks, there from the house of snakes after all."

Harriet was horrified by the red head. Even after all that time in the hospital meeting with the mind healers to help her, her mind was blanking out. Ron still continued on, but Harriet couldn't hear anything he was saying. Everything was slowly changing, closing in on around her.

The air around them became frigged with hostility. Ron, not noticing their glares and only seeing that the others didn't agree with him turned to Harriet. He gave her the look of 'you have to believe in me, right', but the look Harriet gave him did not agree with him. Not in the slightest.

The others began to realize that something wasn't right with Harriet. "I believe it is time for you to go. Now." Hanna and Susan said at the same time. Harriet wasn't sure if the redhead heard them or was ignoring them but he didn't move. Seeing how it looked like he wasn't going to move anytime soon, collectively they moved to the other side of the table.

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