Chapter 2: A Letter From Hog-Warts?

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Disclaimer: As much as I want to say that I own Harry potter I don't. Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, I only own the changes and the plot twists that I do in this fanfiction.

Summary: Harry Potter, in one world is the brash and reckless golden boy of Gryffindor. in this world Harry, now Harriet is a soft spoken girl that loves to help other, but watch out as unlike cannon Harry she is not easily swanned to blindly follow Dumbledore or to cling to the first people that are kind to her. Also instead of trying to reject the Slytherin traits in her, she accepts them in order for her to reach her goals.

This is a femharry fanfiction where instead of being place in Gryffindor she is placed into Huffulpuff. No trust towards Dumbledore, no golden trio (just acquaintance with Ron and Hermione) and mutual friendship with Draco.







Chapter 2: A Letter From Hog-Warts?

Harriet had just finished weeding the garden and was coming into the kitchen she had smelt it. A very old, gross and yet cabbagey smell penetrated her nose. Pinching her nose she began looking for the source of the smell. Turning the corner she was greeted by a pot on the stove filled with some mucky black and gray things that bubbled menacingly.

Taking a good look at it Harriet decided that what ever it was, it must of had been the trash that her aunt had told her to get rid of. Checking the clock on the wall she quickly opened all of the windows and made her way over to the pot.

Struggling was real, but wasn't the hardest as she had to move and keep whatever was in the pot from spilling. Once at the sink, she carefully dumped it out, and when it was drained she grabbed whatever was left in the sink, into the garbage. Taking another look at the clock she quickly lifted the bag over her shoulder and dragged it to the rest of the garbage on the driveway. And just in time too hand it over to the garbage man.

Waving goodbye to the man, Harriet wiped her sweat off with her sleeves when she suddenly hears Petunia scream her name. Paling at the anger in her voice, Harriet quickly ran into the kitchen where she had heard her name being screamed from.

"Freak! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POT ON THE STOVE?" Petunia shrieked, while pointing at the now empty pot and stove.

Harriet paled even more, her fingers twisting into her hand. "Wasn't that the trash that you told me to throw out?"

Petunia's face twisted. "AND WHY DID YOU THINK THAT!"

"T-t-the pot was c-causing a really bad smell a-and it didn't look normal, so I threw it out. I'm really sorry aunt Petunia." Harriet quickly apologized.


Harriet blinked confused. "...Uniform?"

"Yes, a uniform you ungrateful prat." Petunia spat as she flipped her hair. "Those were Dudley's old clothes that I was dyeing."

"... but couldn't' you have you save t-time and money, had you just gone and just bought some second hand clothes that are already in the need colour?" Harriet whispered out.



"Go..." Petunia sighed, as she turned and walked away from Harriet. "Just, go and start making lunch."

Nodding her head Harriet did just that. Then next day she was greeted with gray clothing that finally somewhat fit her from a second hand store.


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