Chapter 12: Classes

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AN: So sorry about the extremely late update, I was going through a small writers block and still am sorta. There is also the thing that I'm currently in the progress of getting a new computer and I'm not to sure of when I'll be getting it. I did however got this chapter down! So instead of typing the story I will be writing it down and eventually type it up once I get my new computer.


Summary: Harry Potter, in one world, is the reckless golden boy of Gryffindor. In this world Harry, now Harriet is a soft spoken girl, that chooses to fight for her own wants after she is willingly taken away from the Dursleys. Many things will bend to her way, but at the same time the cursed Potter luck will follow, causing unsavory problems as she makes her way through Hogwarts. This is a fem-harry fanfiction where instead of being placed in Gryffindor she is placed into Hufflepuff. Dumbledore bashing, no golden trio (just acquaintance with Ron and Hermione) and mutual friendship with Draco.







Chapter 12: Classes

After the whole potions class incident Harriet had missed three of her classes. Fortunately from what Susan and Hanna said, the classes that she missed were nothing to worry about. The classes after potions was History of Magic which was taught by a ghost. It sounded amazing, up until she learned that the ghostly professor practically sent every one to sleep with his voice. Harriet was still interested in learning the magical history, but it seems like if she actually wanted to learn more about the history she would be on her own. Unless her friends were willing to study history with her.

Next was flying class, a class that Harriet really wished she could join in on, but wouldn't be able to. Susan had told Harriet that she had asked the flying instructor madam Hooch if Harriet was allowed to fly as well. Madam Hooch had a very serious expression and in the meantime said no as she wanted to see Harriet before she made her final decision. As much as Harriet would like to that she would probably be fine, because you know being able to fly. Harriet understood.

The final class that she had missed was defence against the dark arts. Susan seemed to be highly upset about the class. The others all seemed to agree as they declared that it was a joke about the professor, Quirrle, who seems to be more afraid of his own shadow than willing to teach them how to defend themselves. They also mentioned how they heard that professor Quirrle was apparently the previous muggle studies professor last year.

Staring at her dorm room's ceiling Harriet forced herself to reflect about herself. It was something that healers at St. Mungo's told her to do. They, especially Jane and Julie, said that it would help organize her mind, and help with her occasional panic attacks.

That being said Harriet didn't know what to think of after the whole potion class incident and the apology she got from the potion's professor. Scratch that, Harriet didn't know what to think of her whole life at the moment. Perhaps she was being too trusting. Harriet did currently have five friends.

That's five more than she had ever had in her eleven years of living. Sure Harriet didn't trust them with everything about herself and that it was still strange for her to be able to depend on others. But Harriet was fine with that. Being able to depend on others, her friends. Being able to do that. That was something that Harriet always wanted to be able to do.

Though at the same time Harriet refuses to be trapped and weak anymore. It was going to be hard. Harriet knew that changing herself was going to be hard. However this was a change that she wanted, no needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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