4. Decision

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A/N: Back with another update!


Gauri got down from the tree- house, and called for a cab. She got down where she left her car last and drove back to her house in a daze.

It was all over. Her friendship. The deal. Everything...

She crept up the stairs to her room in a daze and locked the door behind her. She sat numbly on the bed, and when the thought that she had lost Omkara crept inside her head, she couldn't control the tears anymore. She curled on the bed as she cried.

Why did she tell that she loved him? She knew he would run away... Why?!

She lied on the bed crying continuously, when her phone rang. She got up quickly when she realized it was 2pm already and Omkara had told her to wait for his call.

She scrambled around for her phone and finally found it on the floor (she had no idea how it had reached there) and quickly answered the phone.

"Hello?" Gauri gasped out.

"Come meet me at the tree-house. I am waiting for you." Omkara said and cancelled the call.

Gauri looked at her phone-screen, confused.

What did he want now? Did she dare hope?


Gauri parked her car in front of their tree-house and found him sitting on a stray log beside trees, resting his head on the adjacent tree bark with his eyes closed. He looked calm. Peaceful. Serene.

She got out and started walking towards him.

Omkara finally opened his eyes when she stopped in front of him and smiled at her as he lifted his right hand, silently asking her to  hold it. He shifted aside and pulled her next to him.

"Gauri..." Omkara whispered, as held her hand between both of his. "I am sorry. I left in the morning without.. without giving you a morning kiss." He lifted his head and captured her lips in his. They both moaned at the contact. It was getting all frenzy and they were so close to tearing off their clothes when Gauri pushed him slightly and gasped as they stared at each other. With their desire-clouded eyes.

Gauri looked away to grab a hold of her sanity because she knew the more she stared into those beautiful eyes, she was lost.

"Really? That's what you say... that you are sorry for not giving me a morning kiss?" Gauri asked him with a cold voice.

"No. I only wanted to kiss those sweet lips of yours and I knew you wouldn't let me without making me give an explanation. What I actually wanted to say was that I am really sorry for leaving you alone without any explanation. I just... I just needed time to... to think over what you said last night. And.." Omkara stopped speaking and looked up to see Gauri biting her lips as she tried to control the tears, but still a drop fell which he captured by kissing it on her cheek.

"And?" Gauri whispered back, as she prepared for his decision. It was all up to him after all.

"The deal is for sure off." Omkara said slowly, as he continued to gaze at her.

Gauri closed her eyes as she took in a breath.

It was all over then.

"Because having sex with my girlfriend on the basis of a deal would be insult to her. And I don't want to do that to you, my beautiful girl." Omkara said softly, as he held her face between his hands.

"What?! But I thought..." Gauri opened her eyes wide in shock, and exclaimed to him.

"That I would end everything with you.. I know.. But I can't let you go from my life. It hurts too much. You have been my best friend my entire life.. My first ever crush.. My first time..." Omkara said but was interrupted by Gauri who stood from her position and faced him with a shocked expression.

"Your- your what?! I thought that.. with the way how you made me... I mean.. with everything that it wasn't your first time!" Gauri almost shouted in shock, her cheeks glowing bright as she thought what she was about to say.

Omkara's cheeks tinged pink in embarassment as he looked at her shyly, shocking her more. "It was actually my first time as well. I just.. I have always imagined.. my first time with you." Omkara said, as he looked at her endearingly.

Gauri's heart melted at that moment and she gave him an endearing smile. Omkara pulled her back next to him and out a hand around her shoulders.

"So, as I was saying before you embarassed me... You are my everything... I just can't let you go.. I care for you a lot. It hurt me to see you kiss that ass-hole yesterday. It almost felt like you had thrust a knife into my chest and I couldn't breathe. In that moment I had decided to finish all this friends-with-benefits stuff and express my feelings to you... but you beat me to that, I guess." Omkara smiled cheekily at her, causing her to blush furiously and look away, shyly.

"I love you, Gauri. I guess, I have always loved you. I just needed a push in the right direction." Omkara said, as he pulled her face closer to his.

"I love you too, Om." Gauri whispered back. She asked another question that came intk her head at that moment. " Om, will we.. I mean, since the deal is off.."

"Will we have sex? Is that what you want?" Omkara whispered huskily in her ear.

"Yes.." Gauri whispered back, as she closed her eyes.

"Then we will." Omkara said as he got up, pulling her along with him. He smiled and picked her into his arms, making her gasp aloud.

Gauri smiled back.

All was well.


At The Sharma House:

Gauri's parents sat beside each other, relishing in the silence of their home which was often, now that Gauri was a grown-up now.

Gauri's mother looked at her husband, happily and said, "I am so happy for our Gauri. You have chosen a very good groom for her. I had always wanted Omkara to be her husband.. but they always say that they are just friends. Forcing them into a marriage will not be fair to them."

"Yes. You're right. Even I wanted Omkara to be our son-in-law... but I don't want to force the kids as well. The only thing we require is for Gauri to meet Samar. This time I won't listen to her. It seems this Samar saw her somewhere and really liked her and therefore sent this proposal." Omkara's father said to his wife, who nodded in agreement.

"Hopefully she will say yes." Gauri's mother said back.


PS: There you go. Like it? Hate it? Boring? Interesting? Please don't forget to Vote and Comment your opinions. It means a looottt to me! :D ;)

Love! <3 <3 <3

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