7. Execute!

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A/N: Hey guys, a new quick update! Just for you people!

Let's get ahead then and see what they have up their sleeves.


Gauri and Omkara sat in her bedroom, feeling uncomfortable as they were being scrutinized and stared down by their siblings.

Anika suddenly stood and squealed, "I knew it! Yass! I knew it that there was something between you too! But I hadn't realized that you were doing that!" Gauri's face erupted in fire to that comment and looked down, almost hiding her face with her locks which fell around her shoulders.

"Anika, hush! Please speak quietly and I am sorry, guys. We really don't wanna embarass you both. But this relationship upgrade has come out to be shocking for all of us." Shivaay said, calmly.

Omkara took a deep breath and looked at him as he said, "Shivaay, we- we love each other. I know we kept all of this a huge secret from all of you.... but.. we ourselves were figuring it out and now that we have finally expressed our feelings to each other, this whole big mess is upon our head."

"So.. you mean to say that the 'Friends-With-Benefit' stage was actually your 'Figuring-Out-Our-Feelings' stage, huh? Don't you think we would find out about anything of this? Do you really take us for fools, Om? I didn't expect this from you.. I know it's your life, your choices... but doing this before marriage isn't quite right... I know this is the modern age... but what if, just in case, you both didn't have feelings for each other and had fallen pregnant? Then what? Would you have taken responsibility of her and the child? Do you realize what she would have had to deal with? I think it was really foolish of you to take that step. Not only you, Om. But you as well, Gauri. I am really disappointed in both of you. If you had the guts Om, you could have asked her out... or else expressed your feelings to her. Not do it backwards." Shivaay finished ranting and sat down with a sigh.

Omkara and Gauri were looking down, for once ashamed of their decisions. They felt that whatever Shivaay told was right.

Omkara grabbed Gauri's hand and apologized, "I am sorry, Gauri. Even though I don't regret any of it.. I know I should have everything in the right order. You didn't deserve it that way... I am sorry. Please forgive me?"

"Shh.. I don't regret it either. We both love each other, Om. And that's all that matters." Gauri said, softly.

"OK! Keep it a bit PG-rated, guys! We don't wanna see what you do in that tree-house of yours! That bloody place is tainted with your love and I don't even wanna pass through that place!" Rudra shouted, making everyone laugh and Gauri blush crimson.

"Now.... we need to find a solution to this problem.. So our mission is going to be Cancel-Gauri's-Proposal. Do you have a plan?" Shivaay asked Omkara and Gauri, who shook their heads negative.

"I- I only have an idea. But I am not sure whether it will even work..." Omkara said cautiously.

"Any idea is a plus point for us.. Tell me your idea, please." Shivaay said, indicating him to speak.

"I just know that whatever we do... we do it in a manner that the guy's family rejects Gauri, but her family does not have to deal with any sort of embarassment in the society from it. We need to talk with the guy and request him to cancel this proposal, giving a excuse that he doesn't want to marry now or something.. We'll only tell him the truth. That she loves someone else and can't marry him.. We just have to hope that he agrees.." Omkara finished speaking.

"The guy... his name is actually Shekhar Agarwaal, a famous businessman himself. And that's a wonderful idea. I think we should execute this plan, what say everyone?" Shivaay asked. Everyone nodded their heads giving their approval.

"But if this doesn't work... then we will get married in a court." Gauri said, adamantly.

"We'll keep that one for the last option and let's just hope for the best!" Shivaay said as he gave her a reassuring smile.

"So, let's get ready for the step One! Requesting Shekhar!" Anika shouted, excitedly.

"Anika! Shh!" Shivaay covered her mouth with his hand, making everyone laugh at them.


Gauri sat nervously waiting for Shekhar in a cafe, as she sipped her coffee. She had called him after taking his number from her mother's mobile. She had asked him to meet her in this cafe and not let anyone know about their meeting.

She raised her head when she heard throat-clearing sound and saw Shekhar standing next to her..

When did he arrive?

"Um.. Please have a seat, Mr. Agarwaal. I am sorry.. we didn't get talk much the other day. I wasn't even informed that you... were you.." Gauri said, nervously.

Mr. Agarwaal gave her a warm smile and said, "Please. You can call me, Shekhar. It's better to get on to the first-name basis, don't you think? After all we are going to get married."

Gauri gulped, nervously.

"Um... it's.. it's just that, I- I wanted to know if you were happy with this marriage.. I mean apart from what our parents want... Are you happy with this arrangement?" Gauri asked him softly.

"Actually... I am just leaving all of this to my parents.. If they are happy, then I am fine. And I had tried love thing once.. and it didn't work. So I decided not to try it ever again.. Anyways.. are you.. I mean, are you not happy with this arrangement?" Shekhar asked her back.

"Um.. it's the same. Whatever my parents want. You said, you tried the love thing once.. If you don't mind me asking.. did she break your heart? Or did she cheat on you?" Gauri asked him slowly.

"Oh no! None of that! Actually she is a wonderful girl.. full of vibrant spirit. Maybe I fell for that? I dunno. We liked each other.. like a lot. But then we quarelled a lot as well.. We had a lot differences.. I didn't want to compromise.. And then we broke up.. and she left.. I guess it was all my fault.. I didn't even go back to apologize.. My ego and all of that... I think I learned my lesson.. Eventually, a relationship doesn't work unless there is compromise from both the sides.." Shekhar smiled wistfully at her, making her realize that he still loved that girl and missed her.

And then an idea struck her.

"Um... can I request something?" Gauri asked.

"Sure! You can ask me for anything." Shekhar said, as he gave her a reassuring smile.

"Ah.. my finals are in just a couple months... Can we have our engagement after my final exams?" Gauri asked slowly, knowing whatever she was doing was gonna make Omkara really angry. But she had to do this.

"Yes! Of course! Please take your time.. We will have to eventually live our lives together.. so why not start it a bit late?" Shekhar chuckled and Gauri joined him.

Yes. Why not start it a bit late? We will get our happy endings eventually, after all.


P/S: So what do you think? What is cooking up in Gauri's head? What is she going to do that is going to make Omkara pissed off? Eager to know? Me too! Don't forget to Vote and Comment if you liked this chapter!

Love! <3 <3 <3

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