5. UH-OH!

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A/N: Hey guys, back with another update! Hope you will like it. 😊


Gauri returned back home with a happy smile on her face. She was on cloud nine since Omkara asked her to be his girlfriend and they had celebrated their upgraded status. She can't wait to tell her mom!

"Gauri! Can you please come here?" Gauri's mother called her from the sitting room, where she sat next to her father.

Gauri quickly went into the room with a wide smile on her face.

This is the perfect moment to tell them. Should she tell in front of her father?

"Mom..." Gauri spoke but stopped when her mother started speaking at the same time.

"Gauri.. A proposal has come in for you. You know this guy very well. His parents like you very much and would like you to be their daughter-in-law.."

Whoa. I can't believe he already sent a proposal for me!

"And..." Her mother continued to speak.

"Say, "Yes" from me. I know how much you have been worried about my marriage. I think it's time I settled down.. I have just finished my Masters'. And I'll get a job soon." Gauri said, smiling happily at them.

I can't wait to get married at him!

"Thank you, my daughter. But wouldn't you like to know anything about the guy?" Her mother asked her, a bit confused.

"No, mom. If you both find the proposal suitable then it's fine with me." Gauri said to her parents, as she stood.

Her parents smiled at each other, feeling at peace that their daughter has finally accepted a proposal.


Gauri called Omkara as she laid down on her bed. She hummed happily as she thought, about Omkara's proposal for her. She still couldn't believe it.

"Wow, Om. I didn't know that you would give me this surprise so soon." She said the first thing when Omkara picked the call.

"Did you like it?" Omkara asked back.

"Like it? I loved it! I am so happy, Om! Thank you! You have no idea how much happy you have made me." Gauri said to him.

"Well, I am happy you liked the surprise. So, I am going to come and pick you up, before we go to college. We are going to let everyone know about our progress, alright?" Omkara said.

"Alright then." Gauri said, as she silently squealed.

Finally I can tell the world that Omkara is mine!

"I love you, Gauri." Omkara said, softly.

Gauri gasped. She bit her lips, trying control her throat as it got choked with tears. She cleared her throat softly before she replied, "I love you too, Om. Very much."

She finally dropped the call after they exchanged goodbyes, and rolled on her bed as she covered her face with her pillow. And then she screamed. Loud. She lifted the pillow from her face and looked up to her ceiling as she smiled widely.

Thank you, God. Thank you!

"Gauri!" She heard her mother call her name.

"Yes, mom!" She replied as she got up from her bed and went outside to the hall.

"There's a parcel for you! Check it out." Her mother said from downstairs.

A Parcel?

She quickly ran down the stairs to find a bouquet of roses on the dining table. She picked them up to her nose and took a deep breath to take in the beautiful scent. She smiled.

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