8. Nandi Bel

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A/N: Welcome back, everyone! Hope you liked the last chapter? Gauri is definitely in for it this time. What will Omkara do now?

So let's find out!


Gauri walked into her room and sat on her bed.

What am I going to do now? I was supposed to tell Shekhar the entire truth about me and Om. And what did I do? I agreed to this marriage! Omkara is definitely going to kill me now!

She messaged Omkara and told him to meet her in their tree-house.

She just prayed to god that everything goes well.


Gauri paced through the room as she waited for Omkara.

She yelped loudly as she felt a pair of hands surround her waist and lifting her off the ground.

"Om! What are you doing?! Put me down!" Gauri shouted, trying to swat off his hands.

"Ok, then", Omkara said simply, dropping her on the floor, making her shout again, but this time in pain.

"Om! You will pay for this - Just let me get at you!" Gauri growled and jumped on him, causing Omkara to stagger against her waist and to fall on the bed, which was thankfully behind him, with her still on his chest.

They gasped for breath as they looked into each other's eyes. And then suddenly Gauri couldn't help it and started laughing at their antics, her laugh so infectious that it caused Omkara to join her as well. But mostly, he gazed lovingly at her care-free expression.

This is a good sign. Which means the meeting had gone well.

"So?" Omkara asked her as he ran his hands through her hair.

"So?" Gauri mimicked, quickly sobering up.

"Did you tell him? About us, I mean?" Omkara asked her softly.

Gauri sat up straight and looked down to her lap. Omkara sat up as well, sensing something off.

"Gauri, did he say something to you? Just tell me Gauri, and I'll break his jaw off - " Omkara said but was interrupted by Gauri, who grabbed his hands and held them between hers.

"No! Omkara... he didn't say anything to me... Shekhar's a really nice man.." Gauri said, softly looking at him.

"Then what's wrong, Gauri? You are scaring me." Omkara asked her as he tried to figure her out.

"Do you trust me, Om?" Gauri asked him back without answering his question.

"Why are you asking me this question? You know, I trust you more than myself!" Omkara exclaimed as he stared at her, getting all the more confused.

Gauri took a deep breath and finally said, "I didn't tell Shekhar  about us."

Omkara sat there staring at her blankly, with no expression on his face.

Gauri turned towards him and said, "Om, the way you gaze at me.. showing me your love for me.... I saw that same expression on his face, Om. But for someone else. I am not sure if I am doing the right thing or not.. but I felt the pain he was going through when he talked about her.. how much he missed her.. I want to help him, Om.. If we can just reunite them.. then we will be free and they will be happy as well.. If not, then I will tell him the truth. I have asked him to give me time till our finals. That is two months... Om-" Gauri stopped speaking when Omkara stood up from the bed and walked towards the window.

She gulped when she saw Omkara's shoulder shake.

Was he crying?

"Om- are you? Are you- " Gauri asked nervously stood and walked slowly towards and what she saw stopped her in her tracks.

Omkara howled in laughter which he couldn't control anymore, holding his stomach with one hand and wall with another for support. He gasped for breath as he looked at Gauri's gobsmacked expression. Seeing her face made him laugh all over again.

"OMKARA SINGH OBEROI!" Gauri shouted furiously, stomping her foot.

Omkara nodded his head as he continued to laugh. Gauri huffed and sat on the bed with her hands folded as she waited for Omkara to finish laughing.

Still gasping for breath, Omkara sat next to her. He tried to kiss her, but kissed her cheeks instead as she turned her face in the nick of time.

"Aww.. My dear Gauri Kumari Sharma wants to become a cupid! Ok! Ok! I'll stop laughing! But your expression... it was just.. hilarious! Oh my god, were you scared of me, Gauri?" Omkara asked her, as he covered his mouth with both his hands and continued to shake with laughter.

"Of course, not! Me and scared of you? Gauri Kumari Sharma is not scared of anyone! Hmph!" Gauri said, petulantly.

"Oh, really? What was all that - 'Do you trust me, Om?' and everything? Swear to me you weren't scared of me?" Omkara asked as he smirked at her.

"Alright! Yes, I was scared that you would get angry and bring out your Nandi-Bel-alike horns and attack me!" Gauri exclaimed and pouted at him.

"What?! I have Nandi-Bel-alike horns?!" Omkara exclaimed at her disbelievingly and subconsciously touched his head.

Gauri blushed, and stammered, "Um.. when- when you get really pissed, I imagine those horns on your head..."

"I have horns, huh? And I attack you with them? I will surely attack you, today.. but definitely not with horns..." Omkara bit her lips with his.


"Om? You will help me, right? Shekhar deserves his happy ending as well." Gauri said softly, as she ran her hands on his chest.

Omkara lifted her chin up and pecked her on the lips.

"I'll always support you, Gauri. Like I said, I trust you more than myself. Yes, it will be a bit tough to see you with him for the next two months... but I'll tolerate. Because after the two months we will be together for forever.." Omkara said to her, as he caressed her face.

"Thank you, Om. I was really scared. I don't what would I do without your support." Gauri said and buried her face in his chest.

"Scared of me or my Nandi-Bel alike horns?" Omkara teased her causing her to laugh aloud and slap his chest lightly.

"Shut up!" Gauri exclaimed, but was interrupted as her mouth was shut closed by Omkara's lips.


P/S: So! How did ya like it? Not what you expected, huh? 😂 Oh my god! I had fun, writing this one! Please don't forget to Vote and Comment if you liked it!

Love! <3 <3 <3

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