9. Paayal

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A/N: Hey there! Again with a new update. I hope you guys were relieved that Omkara didn't go all Nandi Bel on Gauri! It was a fun chapter to write and I really hope you had fun reading it. 😁


"We need help, Om. We can't do this alone!" Gauri whispered to Omkara, as they walked hand-in-hand into their classroom.

"I know, Gauri! And that's why I have already called in the gang tonight at my house. We will discuss everything today.." Omkara whispered back to her as they sat at their usual seats, which were the last two seats in the right corner of the room.

"Heard you got engaged Gauri? To The Shekhar Agarwaal? Well, you really chose a rich one, huh?" Ridhima's sniding voice flowed over as she walked towards them and stood hands crossed with a smirk on her face.

Gauri gritted her teeth and was just about to answer the witch when Omkara took a hold of her left hand and pressed it lightly, giving her a fair warning to not lose her patience. Gauri nodded her head minutely and looked up at Ridhima with a smirk of her own.

"Wherever did you hear the rumor, Ridhima?" Gauri asked.

"My dad works with The Agarwaals. Of course, Mr. Agarwaal must have mentioned something to my father." Ridhima replied back, her smirk almost faltering when she saw how unaffected Gauri seemed to be.

"You mean to say.. work for the Agarwaals. There's a huge difference between 'With' and 'For'. You should know, right?" Gauri said, as she raised her eyebrows at Ridhima. Without giving Ridhima any time to speak back she continued, "And by the way.. why don't you mind your own business instead of nosing around in others'?"

Ridhima huffed, her face turning puce with rage. She furiously turned back and walked away. Some students in front of them snickered as they watched 'the witch' walk away as well.

"You should be really careful about her. The things she can do to spite others... are really gruesome. A girl almost committed suicide, just because she almost she came in front of Ridhima.."Omkara warned her.

Gauri rolled her eyes and replied back, "You don't worry about her. I know how to handle. Have been doing it for four years, haven't I? Trust me.. no one can deal with her better than me."

They stopped talking and moved apart when their teacher entered the class and started giving their mock test sheets.


"So, what you are saying is that you want to help Shekhar get his ex-girlfriend back? Am I right?" Shivaay asked Gauri,  looking at her as if she was mentally invalid.

"Yes." Gauri answered, nodding her head positive.

Shivaay threw his hands in the air and then stood in front of her, as he exclaimed, "Have you gone nuts? Instead of getting your own marriage sorted out, you want to sort someone else?!"

"Yes, Shivaay bhaiya. If we just find his ex-girlfriend.. Bhavya can track her... " Gauri explained to Shivaay and everyone else.

"Gauri, what if Shekhar's ex-girlfriend is currently dating someone else? Or perhaps what if she is already married? Damn it! We don't know her! How do you suppose we even find her?" Shivaay shot back, almost challenging her to reply to his questions.

Gauri took a deep breath to calm her nerves and to keep the rising doubt at bay.

"Shivaay bhaiya, I know you are pissed at me. And I do deserve your wrath. But I have Shekhar's eyes.. he craves to be with her. And I have faith we will find her.. If she's still not interested in Shekhar or has already moved on... then I'll tell  Shekhar, about me and Omkara. Which is why I have asked him for two months' time before the engagement ceremony." Gauri said to Shivaay, who continued to stare at her sceptically.

"I think she is doing the right thing, Shivaay. We should all support and help her in this." Omkara said, referring to everyone.

"Shivaay, let's give it a try.. If it doesn't work... then like Gauri said she will tell everything to Shekhar and ask him to reject her.. If Shekhar's a good man then... he deserves a chance at love." Anika said to Shivaay, who sighed heavily and nodded at everyone. Rudra whooped loudly, making everyone laugh heartily. Gauri hugged Omkara tightly in excitement. Omkara then kissed her on the cheek, in return a blushing Gauri gave him a shy smile.

"Ahem. So now that, we have got a change of plans... how do we find her?" Shivaay asked everyone.

"I have got an idea for that. Omkara, Shivaay bhaiya and Rudra, you three will take Shekhar out tonight for drinks. Make him have too many drinks so that he becomes drunk and unaware of his surroundings. Rudra, you will steal his phone, and check all his messages. If you suspect anyone, note down the number. And even if you find something, you guys will ask him about his past relationships. You will force him enough... that he will himself tell you everything. Got it?" Gauri finished speaking and looked at everyone, to find them all staring at her with an awe expression on their faces.

Gauri cleared her throat nervously and asked them, "What?"

"Nothing. Only that you are very talented." Omkara said, giving her a teasing smirk.

"OK! So... we will use her idea. And I think we should get started on it right now.. It's now mission: Find the Girl." Shivaay said to everyone with an excited smile on his face.


Gauri sat up in her bed with a jolt. She had again dozed off. Damn it. But why did she get up... She again heard the tell-tale sound of her phone ringing. Yes! Her ringtone had woken her up.

She quickly picked the call and spoke into it, "Yes, Omkara.. Got any clue?"

"Yes, we have got a clue. Her name is Paayal. We have also got her photo.. We'll start searching for her tomorrow as it's already very late. And currently we are taking Shekhar to our house, as he is already knocked out. He is gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow. I'll tell you all the details tomorrow. How about you sleep right now? Alright?" Omkara said.

"Ok.. See you tomorrow, then. Love you, Om." Gauri whispered as she lied down again.

"I love you too, Gauri. So much. I am the luckiest person on this earth to have got you, ya know? Goodnight, love." Omkara replied.

"Goodnight." Gauri finished the call and stared at her ceiling with a smile on her face.

We are going to get you back, Paayal. Very soon.


P/S: So sorry for the late update. Hope you will like this one. Hmm... They have got a clue then! Will they be able to find Paayal? Has she already moved on or is she still hung up on Shekhar like him?

Please don't forget to Vote and Comment if you liked the chapter.

So.. see you people in the next chapter!

Love! <3 <3 <3

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