3. Rights

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A/N: Hola! Another update! Thank you everyone for boosting me with your beautiful comments.

Without further adeu, let's begin!


"Did you see Omkara? He looked so hot today... I just can't wait until he asks me out... That day if he hadn't abandoned me... I would have been his girlfriend by now...." Ridhima said loudly to her two wannabes as they sat down for their first class.

"Shh... It's the scarlet lady! I wonder whom she is dating now..." One of the girls whispered aloud.

Gauri rolled her eyes as she overheard their conversation.
If they think that they are under-toning it... then they are so mistaken.

"I have heard that she is not dating anyone currently.... Guess she has lost her charm, huh?" Ridhima whispered back but loud enough for Gauri to hear.. who smirked knowingly.

I haven't lost my charm... I have just learnt to make use of it and I have got the best teacher too.........

"Oh! Pssh! Why the hell are we talking about her?! So, that day...." Ridhima started gossiping while Gauri tuned out their droning voices and tried to concentrate on her lecture.


Gauri sat next to Anika and Bhavya as they gossiped about Anika's upcoming marriage with Shivaay. Anika and Gauri, who were cousins had taken in Bhavya, the youngest Oberoi son's girlfriend into their group, relaying her with all the information she needed to know about the Oberois, before she got married into the family as well.

"He is not here, Gauri." Anika said, as she smirked at a confused-looking Gauri.

"Who?" Gauri asked back, as she looked at Anika and Bhavya, who were smirking knowingly at her.

"Omkara, of course. He is not here. He has gone out somewhere with his friends. We know... you like him more than friends, Gauri. You can share with us... you know." Anika said to Gauri as she hit her shoulder lightly with her fist.

"No, Anika.... you are seeing into it too much. There is nothing between us and there will never be except our friendship. Because, I know.... I am not his type." Gauri said, as she tried to keep a neutral expression in front of them.

"Yeah... yeah.. we have heard that millions of times... But there is something between you two... perhaps you haven't figured it out yet."

Yeah, there is something between us.... and we definitely haven't figured it out yet.. atleast Omkara hasn't....


It's been almost a week since Omkara had last visited her. Not a single call or a message. And when she tried to reach him herself, there wasn't any answer from him. She hadn't even seen him at their college. Eventually, she contacted Rudra, to find out he had gone to Goa with his friends on a trip.

She didn't expect the ire that rushed through her veins. She was so angry that she put his number on her blocklist and didn't try to contact him anymore.

Couldn't he just inform him once about his whereabouts? Wasn't she worth that? Enough was enough. She couldn't do this anymore. She was just nothing for him but a means for sexual release.


Another week passed, and their the finals for their last year loomed like a dark shadow over their heads.. The only bright light at the other end of the tunnel, as they felt, was the party that was being held for the graduates.

But none of these mattered to Gauri.

She had given up hope for Omkara to give her a call. She was so furious at him that when a guy in her class asked her to go to the graduation ceremony with him, she said yes.

Screw the rules. That deal was already off.

When she entered the graduation party, she saw him. With Ridhima.

She blinked away the tears that formed in her eyes and looked away. She grabbed the hand of the guy who had asked her out, his name Jazz or something, and headed towards the bar. After having a shot or two they went to the dance floor and started dancing.

Gauri, not that drunk felt the guy's hands roaming all over her skin and she let him... imagining they were his.

She all of a sudden grabbed his face and kissed him. Wanting to forget. Wanting to feel. Anything beside pain.

Someone cleared their throat next to them, breaking her out of her reverie.

She jerked back, raising her fingers to her lips, as if they were burnt and quickly ran out of the room all the way to the back yard and gasped for breath as she realized what she had done.

"So you kissed him, huh?" A voice came from behind her and she whirled back to see Omkara step out from the shadows behind some trees.

"How was it? Did you enjoy? Oh! Was it better than mine?" Omkara asked as he stood in front of her with arms crossed.

"Om.." She whispered, not knowing what to say.

"Come with me." Omkara said as he grabbed her hand, pulling her with him to his car.

"Om...stop! Please.." Gauri struggled as she was thrust inside the car. Omkara got into his seat and started driving, and according to her knowledge of the path, she realized they were heading to their hide-out place.

Omkara parked the car quite un-caringly in front of their tree house. He got outside after instructing her to get out and climb into the tree house.

Gauri quickly got out, and climbed up. Omkara, who had climbed right after her gazed at her with a weird look.

Gauri started walking backwards, while saying, "Why didn't you call me when you left? Why didn't you inform me where you were... for how long you were gonna be away... when you will return.. You didn't inform me when you returned... nothing! Am I so invaluable to you that I don't deserve... a... a maybe - Hey, I am heading to Goa with some of my friends; will be a back in two weeks.. See you?!"

Omkara stood in front of her silently listening to her speak. And when she finished, he pulled her close, and asked, "Is that why you kissed him? Because I didn't call you?"

"N-no..." Gauri whispered, looking up into his eyes as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Then?" Omkara asked her again as he slowly wiped her tears.

"Because, I love you, Omkara! You hurt me, Om! For two weeks! No calls... no messages! And when you come back... that Ridhima is hanging by your arm! I can't see you with anyone! Do you realize how painful it was for me to see you with her? I just wanted to lessen the pain that I felt... I just..." Gauri sobbed into his arms as she finished speaking.

"Gauri..." Omkara whispered, as he lifted her chin with his finger. "I'll help you forget that feeling." And then he locked his lips with her.


Gauri slowly opened her eyes, and smiled as she turned around expecting to find Omkara asleep beside her. But she was all alone. There was a folded paper lying in his place.
She picked it up and opened it  with a heavy heart as she read the contents:

The deal is off.
PS: I'll call at 2pm.


It was all over.


PS: Your thoughts? Please Vote and Comment if you liked it. Was their fight - Hot? 😕

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