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I got to school at 7:30 am and sat in the caf. Thirty minutes wasn't too long to wait and I didn't mind how refreshing the quiet was.

I decided to be constructive and actually start brainstorming.

Theories on human existence:

1. It's very meaningless. We're put on this huge floating rock in space without much direction.

2. We think we're so special but the universe is so large and we are too fragile and small minded to understand it.

3. The freaking ocean. That is all.

4. The only people that actually thought out the box were outcasts because they were different. These people turned out to be the greatest minds in history. Example: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton etc. (Being weird is great js)

I check the time and it's 7:40. It took me such a short time to do these and I have so many more in-depth ones. Ones that speak to my heart and help me understand human existence, somewhat. This is gonna be one very interesting project.

I looked back down at my book, thinking about the time I'd have to kill. I thought I'd start drawing an art piece to accompany our project.

As I started rummaging through my bag, my phone dinged.

💦: Hey babe :)

D💗: Hey Andy. What's up?

💦: I miss you :(

D💗: I saw you last night though?

💦: I'm not talking about the sex Dan, I'm talking about you. We never talk anymore.

D💗: Are you saying the sex isn't good ????? :((

D💗: ;)

💦: Oh babe,you have the sweetest little ass ever. You know the sex is amazing.

D💗: ☺️

💦: Say you'll come over on Friday?

D💗: For 🍑?

💦: Right now, I'm thinking of  pounding your tight hole but no, not for sex. To talk?

💦: I'll even take you out to dinner?

D💗: I'd be honoured but can I get a rain check? I already have plans with my friend.

💦: What're you guys gonna do?

D💗: He promised to buy me pizza

💦: He? You cheating on me?

D💗: Andrew, we're not dating. This is strictly business.

💦: Yes, but I love you [message deleted]

💦: Yes, but I enjoy your company.

D💗: I enjoy yours too :). I really have to go soon

💦: Oh okay :( Can I pick you up from school? Pleaseeee

D💗: No Andy, I have homework. See you on Saturday, maybe?

💦: Definitely.

I locked my phone and almost had a heart attack when I heard a throat being cleared behind me.

I turned around and found myself looking up into my new favourite pair of blue eyes.

"Hey," I whispered, as if a loud noise would rupture the light feeling Phil's presence gave me.

He waved and pulled out his book.

"Sorry for being late! Rachel and I were on a very heated call," he said hiding a light blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Phil, you're 3 minutes late. I'm not gonna kill you," I replied giggling.

He nodded as I opened my book to show him my theories.

"These are all so dark,"

"Yeah, I know but it's how I feel," I said as I shrugged off the black sweater I was wearing.

An unknown emotion flashed across Phil's face for a microsecond and then his lips pursed into a flat line.

"Well here are two theories I came up with. Well, I didn't really come up with them but I find them interesting," he said as he pushed his bag out of the way to get a good view of me.

Before I knew it, the bell for our first class was ringing. Phil spent almost an hour explaining the video game theory and the Mandela Effect. They both had me in open mouthed awe the whole time.

Phil offered to walk me to class which brought a giant smile to my face. On our way to my Biology class, there were multiple eyes directed at us. Mostly Phil, though. I could see girls ogling him and guys nodding approvingly at him. I could see the shock on their faces, though. Why would Phil want to walk with this guy dressed in black from head to toe?

When we reached the door, Phil leaned in real close to my ear and said, " Your neck looks real hot, ya know?" and then he winked and walked away. Who does that?!
I humphed and opened my phone to see what he was talking about.

On my neck were two purplish hickeys.


I sighed as I put my sweater on and tied the strings up to hide my neck.

D💗: I'm gonna kill you for my neck

💦: ;)

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