The beauty of disappointment

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So I kinda fucked up in the last chapter. Until you find your soulmate, your in a black and white world. I said Peggy had a yellow dress and said what Johns eyes looked like. I've changed that so let's just pretend that never happened.

Also you like my new profile picture

Peggy - Alexander! Cmon, I'm your best friend! Why won't you let me touch you?!
Alex - That sounded very wrong.
Peggy - COME ON!! I'm your best friend, Angelica's your best friend, Eliza's your best friend. Wh-
Eliza - Peggy! You know how Alexander feels about that!
Peggy - Well what if I just...

Peggy tapped my shoulder with her finger. Her smile didn't change when we both saw no colors. We both knew we wouldn't be soulmates, but Peggy's always joking around.

Angelica - Peggy, what would've happened if there was color, huh?
Peggy - But there wasn't, huh.

We sat at our usual lunch table. It had been a week since school started and so far, Peggy has been the only one to actually touch me. Teachers have tried to put their hand on my shoulder, I've moved away. John has tried to push me around, I've moved away. Aaron has tried to kick me, I've moved away.

After Peggy started sitting with me at lunch, and Eliza being my new friend, Angelica greeted herself to me and started sitting with the three of us. When we met, she tried to out her hand out for me to shake, after I didn't shake it, she looked confused. Eliza explained my issues to her. She looked confused, but completely understood, which I was grateful for.

John POV

Hercules - And then he just shot em!
Lafayette - In the cafeteria? What did they even do wrong?
Hercules - I don't know, but that guy had issues I'm telling you!
Aaron - You guys have issues.
Lafayette - You are the worst Burr.
Hercules - No one invited you here Aaron, if you don't like us then you can go fuck your self.
Aaron - Fine, I'll just go sit with Lee!
Hercules - I'm so scared!

Aaron scoffed at the two as he picked up his tray and walked over to Charles Lee. My eyes were looking down at my food, or the slop that they call food. I had my cheek in my hand and a fork in the other. I let my fork twirl through the sloop as I tried to make small mountains on each side of my tray.

Lafayette - What's wrong John?
John - Huh? Nothing.
Hercules - Normally you're the most loud one here, and your just sitting there playing with your food. What's on your mind?
John - I guess, just how is that Alexander able to be like that?!
Lafayette - Like what?
John - How was he able to become friends with the Schuylers! Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks that's insane.
Hercules - You think he's hooked up with one of them?
Lafayette - I hope not. A bastard like him doesn't deserve to be at the same table as the Schuylers.
Hercules - What do you say we give him one!
John - Fine, go if you wanna embarrass yourselves.
Lafayette - He's got a point mon ami.
Hercules - Whatever.

Alex POV

Hercules - Hey Alex!

I looked up to see the muscular shadow of Hercules Mulligan cast over me. All of me started to fill up with fear, I looked over at the table where the boy came from. Lafayettes face was curious, like he was on the edge of his seat to see what was gonna happen next, John simply looked at the situation with a blank stare. I think Eliza could notice my fear, she was the first to open her mouth.

The Beauty Of You // Lams Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now