The beauty of confusion

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I'm not even sorry about that picture I put above. I know it has nothing to do with anything I know that no matter who you are, no matter what kind of day you've been having, you need that right now. And you're welcome.

!!!!!!So this chapter comes before the last one. I just wanted it placed here so that I could have an angst town chapter and dat ending!!!!!!

Guess who got a rly great idea for this fanfiction that might maybe kinda sorta end in death :)

Alex - Whoa, Angelica! What's your costume?
Angelica - The hanahaki disease.
Alex - The what?
Angelica - Hanahaki disease. To put it simply, it's an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. It can be cured only when the feelings are returned.
Alex - Whoa, that's things not real, is it?
Angelica - What do you think?
Alex - I don't know, that's why I asked.
Peggy - Oh! Oh! I know what that is! I read a fanfic about that!

Looking very different from her sister, Peggy was dressed in a unkept spider man suit. Like something a child would wear. Or maybe they were pajamas. Her hair was messy and tangled, and looked even more ridiculous by the yellow goggles she wore around her eyes. I didn't even understand what she was.

Alex - Care to explain?
Peggy - It is Wednesday my dudes.
Eliza - It's Friday P-

I swear if none of you understand that

Eliza was dressed as a fairy princess of some sort. She wore a pastel pink and blue flower crown and a light blue dress with flowers that slowly grew around it. She had pastel blue wings that extended a little past her shoulders. It was almost as if her and Angelica were a two person costume. A fairy princess seemed like such a simple idea, so simple, that no one came up with it. And that's what made her stand out from all of the slutty police officers and sexy cats in the crowd. Well, sexy dogs, if you're Brooke Lohst.

Peggy - So where's John?
Eliza - Yeah, I thought you two were coming together.
Alex - see...
John - Hey ladies.
Alex - John! I thought y-you were sick.
John - Psssh, no *sniff* cough is gonna keep me away from my promise. After all what kind of *cough* boyfriend would I be?!
Eliza - Are you sure you don't want to sit down for a few?
John - I'll be fine, honest.

I thought that tonight would've been a fun night. A fun night where I could just hang out with the Schuylers, John, and his friends. Maybe even say a word or two to a few other friends that I might've seen around. But it seemed John was only by my side for a few minutes before he disappeared. I should've expected it, I shouldn't have let him bribe me.

I didn't want to say anything to any of the girls. I knew that if they found out John left, they would beat him to a pulp the next time they saw him. I knew he deserved it, I know I should've told myself that he deserved it. But no part of me wanted to put that boy through that kind of pain. I knew in my heart that maybe even a monster like John Laurens could have monsters of his own.

Alex - Evan! Have you seen John anywhere?
Evan - N-no I haven't. Sh-should I go look for hi...him?! I-I'm sorry.
Alex - No no! It's fine. I'm just a little worried.
Evan - Y-yeah...I get i-it. I w-was a little w-worried at f-first when I started dating Connor.
Alex - Yeah, ummm, do you need a little help?
Evan - W-why would you ask that?!
Alex - You're dressed in a giant tree costume. Isn't it a little hard to move around?
Evan - A...A little. B-but Jareds g-getting me f-food! Atleast....I think he is.

The Beauty Of You // Lams Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now