The beauty of love

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I know you're gonna tell me I should've made Alexander the writer but I'm not and you're gonna deal with it. Also don't tell me you haven't been waiting for a chapter to be called that

I swear, one of you is gonna be confused, so here. None of this was a dream. None👏of👏it. I just pulled that last chapter because Alexander gets like no sleep. I literally can never do stuff like this without ppl getting confused.

Alexander! Wake up!"

Aaron tapped my shoulder from next to me. I awoke with a small scream, earning a few confused glances from the people around me. I realised that I had fallen asleep on my notes, causing the ink to rub off on my face, and the paper to attach itself to my face. I pulled the paper off myself and shuffled back into my seat, rolling my eyes while the teacher continued on with another boring lesson. Honestly, I don't believe it's my fault that I fall asleep in class. The teacher just has to learn to be less boring. And that's her problem, not mine.

Right in the middle of another boring sentence, the bell rang. Whenever that bell rang, it was no longer a college, it was the thunder dome. The teacher sighed and reminded us of our project that was due in two weeks. I didn't care though, I had already finished the project. My teacher may not like how I act, but I'm a good student who gets stuff done way earlier than I should. I can thank my anxiety for that one.

Luckily, this class, was my last one of the day. I shoved my remaining materials into my backpack and followed the large crowd of students out of the classroom. I could barely even hear my own thoughts over the loud conversations around me. People discussing what they were going to do with their weekends. I didn't need to listen to any of them. All of the guys were just gonna say 'get laid' and all of the girls are just gonna say 'get drunk'. I don't know about the non binary students though, maybe they actually have good things to do with their time.

I never really had any plans on weekends. Well, except for my daily visit on Sundays, but I do that every Sunday. It doesn't even count. Maybe one of them have something fun in mind. Like going to some nerd convention, binge watching an anime, or playing in the toy store like we're complete children. But we are complete children. Growing older is obligated, growing up isn't.

I threw on my jacket and ran outside, once again being followed by what seemed like a million other people. But I wasn't concerned with any of them, I just didn't want to get run over. I've seen it happen to a kid here before, I'm not gonna push my luck. I ran at a fast pace to my dorm. Sure, I really wasn't in any rush, but every second faster I ran, the more precious seconds of weekend I earned.

My run only lasted a few minutes before I had arrived at my dorm. The dorm building was bland, the people were bland, everything about the place was bland. Except for my specific dorm, mine was extra special. I swiped my key from my pocket and punched it into the key hole, quickly turning it. I pushed open the door and breathed in the fresh lavender sent of my dorm.

John - How was class?
Alex - Boring.
John - Did you fall asleep again?
Alex - Yeah.
John - You really should get more sleep.
Alex - And you should buy more Fruit Snacks. I just ate the last pack today.

John was sat at his small desk, typing away at his computer. I was always told I wrote fast, but I could never be as fast of a typer as John. His fingers just seemed to glide right over the keys, it looked so perfect, so clean. He never seemed to get a single word misspelled, I couldn't understand how he did it. It was just a little beauty in him, a beauty that I was overjoyed to experience.

John - Did you talk with the three about weekend plans?
Alex - No. I was thinking we could just go to Toys R Us, walk around, see what there is to see, do what there is to do.
John - Uh huh. And what exactly were you thinking of doing?
Alex - You.
John - Very funny. How'd your art do in the competition?
Alex - Huh? Oh yeah! My art!
John - Well did y-
Alex - Come on John! We're loosing daylight here!
John - But you just got here. And I-
Alex - You can right your fanfiction later! You didn't even see my art yet!
John - Alexander....
Alex - Plleeeeaaassseee!! You're gonna be proud of me!
John - I'm always proud of you baby girl.
Alex - You can flirt later Laurens. Hurry up!

I grabbed Johns hand as I led him out into the now empty street. It seemed I had already been in our dorm for a few minutes and the whole town had already disappeared from sight. I knew exactly where the results of the art competition was posted. Normally I never put my art in competitions, I'm never satisfied with it. My friends, teachers, John, and even strangers tell me how good my art is. But their encouragement never seems to work. It never satisfies me enough. But this piece was different, it was the one thing that satisfied me. I was actually proud of it, proud of myself. I didn't want to show it to John, I wanted it to be a surprise. Especially since he had a larger role in it than he realised.

Alex - Close your eyes!
John - I'm not even gonna try to argue with you.

John willingly closed his eyes and opened his hand to my grasp. I led him over to the container where mine was held. I smiled to myself, eager to see his reaction. This was the one piece I was actually happy with, I was praying that he was going to be just as happy.

John POV

Alex - Okay, open your eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes and I was confronted with a large glass container that held many drawings in it. But the large one in the center was the one that grabbed my attention. It was a picture of an eye, but not just any eye. The eye showed emotion in it, like every stoke was made with love. It was the definition of perfect. The colors, strokes, everything that made up the eye told a story. I barely knew anything about art, but I knew it was special.

That's when I realised that the eye was green. But not just green, it was also brown, and hazel, and lime. The colors swirled together in a beautiful way, I almost recognised those colors from somewhere. When I spotted the few freckles taut surrounded the eye, I realised whose eye this really was.

John - A-Alexander. Is this your art?
Alex - Yeah.
John - Is
Alex - Do you like it?
John -'s my second favourite thing in the world.
Alex - What do you mean second? I got first place!
John - Yeah, but nothing could ever beat you.
Alex - What do y......awwwww thanks babe.
John - Didn't we do something like this in highschool?
Alex - Oh yeah...heh...that's the thing.

Past Alex POV

Alex - Ms Fleming?
Ms Fleming - A-Alexander. It's been so long. How's college working for you?
Alex - It's stressful, but, do you remember John Laurens?
Ms Fleming - How could I ever forget him.
Alex - Do you remember when we drew eyes in class? And I drew his.
Ms Fleming - Of coarse, you were, well, are very talented. It was a lovely piece of work. Such a shame it was never finished.
Alex - That's what I'm here for. I want to finish it.
Ms Fleming - Now why would you want to do it?
Alex - In art class, we got assigned to draw something that we thought of when we think of the word, love. Your class was the first thing that came to my mind.
Ms Fleming - Do you happen to know John still.
Alex - He's actually my boyfriend miss.
Ms Fleming - Really? Were you two soulmates back then.
Alex - Umm, no. I'm his soulmate, but he's not mine. But I don't care if I can see colors or not. He's my true love.
Ms Fleming - That's delightful to hear. I'm sure I've got that somewhere. Oh yes, here it is. I'm sure John will love it, I sure do. I just have one question for you.
Alex - Yes?
Ms Fleming - How are you going to color this if you can only see black and white.
Alex - Oh, trust me.

"I could never forget those eyes."

The Beauty Of You // Lams Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now