The beauty of pride

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So ummmm there's a room in my school called The Room Where it Happens. They have the Hamilton playbill on the wall. A picture of the Schuyler sisters on the wall. One of Laurens lines on the door. A picture of Alexander. So many Hamilton logos and stars. A picture of the Hamilsquad. THEY LITERALLY HAVE A PICTURE OF LAMS ON THE WALL. I cried bc it's not one of my classrooms. So I guess I'm Burr, I can't be in the room where it happens.

There was some dad who looked exactly like Evan Hansen.

Just take Alexander, take him. Take him.

The weekend went by fast, almost too fast. It was night time, and I was layed in the bed of the Schuylers guest room that I had been sleeping in for the past days. I stared up at the ceiling, the house quiet except for the small chirps of the crickets from outside the window. I was just...confused.

Does John think of me as a friend now? He seemed to act pretty friendly with me at the beach. Maybe he's just playing with me. He wants me to think we're friends so that he can make me weak, so that he can attack me like a shark finding a seal, unprepared for what was going to happen to it.

Maybe he's changed a little bit. Maybe I've actually found the good side of him. Maybe I've found the side that no one has yet to find. Maybe I was the one to change John Laurens and I will be remembered in the schools history forever!

I fell asleep, hopeful thoughts in my head for tomorrow.

The next day, Angelica waved goodbye to me as she headed off to her class. Eliza and Peggy had already gone to their classes. Now it was just me. I searched around the crowded halls, searching for that curly brown hair. I checked every persons hair that I could.

Straight black hair. No

Straight blonde hair. No

Emo Black hair. No

Blue hair. Not even close.

I had a few more people to check when something, or someone, bumped into me. Luckily I didn't fall or drop anything, so I didn't look like an idiot. I looked up to apologise when I saw the freckled face, green and brown eyes, and curly brown hair I had been looking for.

Alex - H-hi John!
John - What the hell do you want Hamilton?!
Alex - I just wanna-
John - Do you want me to make your other eye just as purple as that other one? Because I won't fucking hesitate!
Alex - What?
Hercules - John, are you coming?
John - yeah yeah.

John stared back at me, his eye brows right over his eyes. His bright smile that I saw this weekend, turned into an angry scowl. Those bright beautiful eyes, they were still the same, but they were filled with hatred. But I could see small points of fear inside him. He knew that I was able to tell everyone that I had hugged him. That I was able to tell everyone that he had saved my life and held me by the waist. It was pretty gay saying it inside my head, but that was the type of thing that would ruin some of his big reputation he's so occupied in keeping.

John - Grow up Hamilton.

It was three words.

An insult that's even a toddler knew.

It was so simple.

So why did it hurt so much?

John POV

I sat in history class. It was probably one of the most boring classes I had. Why do I need to know about losers in history. They are all dead anyway, so why do they matter. Why do people matter after their dead? What's the point of having a legacy? What is a legacy?! It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see! So if you never get to see the flowers you've bloomed, what's the point in letting other people seeing your work in making those flowers. Why should I let other people see my flowers?!

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