Chapter 5

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*Time Skip*
--10 days before Mikasa's birthday--

Armin's POV

I woke up early. The surrounding are still dark, my eyes were tried to adjust for the darkness. I sat on my bed, searching for my phone and noticed then time is 5 o'clock in the morning. I laid back, desperately trying to sleep. I found out that's not going to work.

I reluctantly get out of my bed, walking towards the bathroom, looked at the mirror. "Damn, I look terrible." I brushed my teeth, took a shower, change my clothes then went downstairs.

I sat on the couch, looked towards the ceiling. I grabbed a random book and went out to have some breakfast. It's close to six on the morning and the temperature is freezing cold, mostly because of the midnight rainfall, I guess. I wore my jacket and walked towards the store area.

Because it is still early, not many shop had opened yet so I went to a nearby convenient store to buy some bread and a cup of hot americano.

I took my breakfast and took a sit at the lake side bench. I munched though my bread while reading my book. I felt relaxed and free when reading. The sky turned from pitch black into glorious orange and red hue as the sun gradually rise up.

"Wow, haven't seen sunrise for a while...", I felt amazed when I saw the sky. I continue to read my book until someone called me on my phone.

"'s Eren, why he called me at this time...", I looked at my phone and noticed it just past 8 o'clock.

"Hello?", I said.

"Hey, Armin, where are you?"

"I'm at the lake side park."

"No wonder why you're not at home, wasting my time keep pressing on your door bell.", he said.

"So, where do we meet?", I asked.

"How about Levi's coffee shop, since he decided to open a cafe few months ago, so I can have breakfast right there.", he replied.

"Ok, meet you right there, bye Eren."

"Bye, Armin."

I closed my book and walked towards the cafe that opened by Levi few months ago.

--20 minutes later--

"Sorry...I'm late...Armin.", he ran in gasping for air.

"Fine, I'm already used to it.", I just sat right there, casually reading my book.

I took the seat in front of me and lying against the chair to catch a breath. Levi leaned against the counter drinking his beloved black tea.

"So, are both of you gonna order something, we don't provide seats for free.", Levi said to us with a cold voice.

Both of us have chills run down our spine. "Emm....can I have a chicken sandwich and a caramel latte.", Eren said.

"How about you, Armin?", Levi asked.

"I already have my breakfast.", I replied.

Levi leave to prepare breakfast for Eren in the kitchen.

"So, why you called me at this time?", I asked.

"Emm....emm...where from I start...Fine, it's about Mikasa.", he said.

"Oh, Mikasa, the girl that you'll never forget about. What's the matter?"

"Ok...her birthday is on February 10th, so I kinda want to give her a birthday surprise."

"Let me think.....AHH, I know an idea, but I don't know it will work or not.", I said.

"Well, all choices are being considered, my mind is completely blank right now."

"How about we use this cafe as the venue?"

"What, it can't be, Levi will not--", Eren was stopped mid-sentence by Levi. "I approve, just don't make a mess around here.", he said as he put Eren's breakfast on the table.

"Wait what, you really approve. How about your revenue?", Eren asked.

"Close for one day doesn't make any difference.", Levi replied.

"Thanks! Levi.", Eren got up to give a hug to Levi and he pushed Eren's head away. "Try not to be gross, okay?"

"So, let's tell the other and make a plan.", I said.

"Armin, can you leave us for a minute?", Levi said.

"Okay.", I stood up and walked towards the door and returned home. "So Eren, I will try my best to help you."

"Thanks, Armin. Bye.", he replied.

Eren's POV

Levi dragged me into a place and sat down.

"So, what's the matter?", I asked.

"I know that you want to make a birthday party for Mikasa....but there are something I have to tell you.", Levi face expression slowly became worried.

"What is it.", I realized this wasn't a joke and listened to him seriously.

"It's about Mikasa's backstory... Okay, you know that our parents are being murdered five years ago, right? Mikasa saw them being murdered in front of her eyes."

"She must be depressed....", I'm totally shocked when I heard that.

"Yeah....", his said in a weak tone and take a sip of his tea. "Let's continue."

"After that, she become depressed and not being cheerful anymore until a guy came into her life seemingly rescue her from that trauma. Later that, they fall in love with each other and become a couple. All seems very well until one day she found out he cheated on her. That guy break up with Mikasa and she once again had her heart broken and started to suffer from depression. She almost went suicide one day until I save her. From that day onwards I make a promised to myself that I will protect her till the end unless she found someone that is suitable for her, a guy that will love and protect her."

"So....did she found it?"

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that that guy is you.", he said.


"*sign* To be honest, you're the first guy in years who ever make her smile."

"Seriously.....", I'm shocked, I couldn't said a word, my mind is completely blank and I can felt my face started to heat up.

Levi noticed my face started to blush as he took another sip of his tea but he ignored and said...

"You once tell me you like her, if you have change your mind, at least give her a happy and unforgettable school life until graduation or even after the graduation. If you really like her, don't give up this chance."

"Okay...I'll do it, don't be worry about that."

"That's my boy. Oh, don't tell anyone else about that story. I said that because I only trust you", he said.

Later I heard some people talking until they get in. Then I noticed they are Petra and Oluo.

"Hi Petra! Hi Oluo!", I said as I surprised because I had never meet them for a while.

"Hey, Eren, haven't met you for a long time.", Petra said.

"Looks like this kid is already grown up.", Oluo said.

"Hey where is the two other guy? They should be arrive by now. I still have business to do", Levi said.

"Oh, Gunther and Eld is on the way to here. There's a car accident and cause traffic jam."

"Emm, I think I have to leave now. Bye.", I said.

I exited from the cafe, waved goodbye to Levi and others and returned home. As I on my way returning to home, my mind kept thinking about Mikasa's backstory. "What a rough childhood, poor Mikasa....", I thought came to my mind.

After I locked the gate, I lying on the couch, stared at the ceiling. Thinking about what present should I buy for Mikasa. Then, an idea came into my mind. "Hopefully this will work...", I said in my mind.

Just Another Year (AOT/SNK Eremika Fanfic) [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now