Lover Boy

414 15 27

Dan POV:

Word count: 903

Heartbroken: adjective // (of a person) suffering from overwhelming distress; very upset

"We're over, Dan!" Andrew yells to me, sending chills throughout my body.

"Fine! I never loved you anyways!" I scream back at him.

"Tallies don't lie," he says, pointing to the black tally on my arm, a smirk on his face.

"I'm not your bitch, Andrew. Get out of my apartment," I answer, feeling sick to my stomach.

"You're never going to find someone that loves you, Dan," he says to me, malice in his words.

"Maybe if you didn't have your head so far up your ass you would be able to see that I'm a way better person than you could ever be," I respond.

Andrew rolls his eyes, walking over to the front door of my apartment.

"Goodbye, Daniel" he says, slamming the door on his way out.

I flinch at the use of my full name. I hate when people call me Daniel, and he knew that.

"What the actual fuck just happened?" I say out loud to myself, running my hand through my hair.

"He'll be back. Andrew loves me as much as I love him," I say, reassuring myself.

But then I feel a sharp pain shoot through my arm. I see the black tally on my wrist begin to turn into a scar.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I exclaim, feverishly rubbing my hand against the disappearing black tally, trying to prevent the scar from forming. But it's no use. The scar has formed and the tally is gone.

I feel a tear swiftly move down my face. I don't cry a lot, because I just bottle everything up inside. I usually distract myself by crafting, even though I'm not that good. But the person I love the most in my life just dumped me, and I don't even really know why.

I sit against my fridge, sobbing for about thirty minutes. I now have twenty five scars on my left arm, reaching up to my bicep. I'm too quick to love. And everything hurts. My arm feels like it's on fire, because that's what happens when a scar forms. My head hurts, and overall I feel like total shit.

You're probably wondering what all this tally and scar nonsense is about. I think it's all pretty ridiculous, but it's something that happens naturally to people. When you love someone, a black tally appears on your arm. It doesn't appear immediately, but over time it will slowly begin to form.

When the love bond with that person dies, a scar replaces that tally. And that process hurts like hell. But the worse pain is knowing that Andrew broke up with me, probably to be with some other push-over. But when you find your "soulmate" as they call it, or the person that loves you more than anyone else and same vise versa, the tally is red. But finding your soulmate is extremely rare. It's only been recorded a few times in history. And when you break someone's heart, you get a purple tally mark.

Andrew and I met a couple months ago at a party, and I quickly fell in love with him. Andrew is bisexual, and he has a lot of purple tallies because he was the one to break up with all of his boyfriends/girlfriends. I should have taken that as a warning, but I'm a dumb ass. I know deep down that he didn't love me back. I was just another boy toy for him to get rid of in a couple months time.

I get off the ground and grab my phone off the kitchen table to text my best friend, Maddie.

To: That Bitch: Andrew just broke up with me :( Please come over and comfort me?

From: That Bitch: Are you serious? I'm gonna beat his ass. Of course I'll come. Want anything?

To: That Bitch: Some chocolates would be great. And ice cream. And biscuits. :P

From: That Bitch: Ok fine. You can't eat away all your feelings, you know.

To: That Bitch: I will tonight. Love you, bitch! <3

From: That Bitch: Love you too. See you in a couple minutes.

Maddie lives a couple minutes away from my apartment. Maddie and I are flaming homosexuals, both gay and proud. We have known each other since kindergarten, and we are both 18 now and go to the same high school. I smiled, glad that she's stuck around with me when so many people haven't.

Maddie never liked Andrew and always "felt a bad vibe from him" as she would say. I guess she was right, thinking that he was an ass hole.

I turn my phone off and look at my blank tv screen, seeing myself in the reflection. My hair is sticking up all over the place. My face is damp from tears and I have dark circles under my eyes. Damn, I'm a mess.

Hi! Thank you so much for reading this chapter! Hopefully over time this phic will become less shit. I will try and post as frequently as possible and feel free to write suggestions or anything you want in the comments. I hope you have a great day/night and see you next chapter! (Where it will be Phil's POV). <3

...what am i doing with my life

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