I Never Want to See You Again

126 3 16

Phil POV: 

Word count: 619

Control: noun //  the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.

As I'm walking into the lunchroom, someone pulls me aside into the nearest bathroom. 

"Hello, Phil." Mike says to me, his eyes glistening with mischief. 

"What do you want?" I growl.  

I don't even want to look at Mike. I hate how he threatened me and started to hate me just because I don't like him in the same way he likes me. Hes always been over dramatic like that, and honestly, he's always been a dick. 

"Meet me here tonight, we need to talk." He says as he passes me a note.

"About what? Can't we just talk now?" I ask, feeling agitated. 

"No, we can't. If you don't come tonight, there will be major consequences," he says before stepping out of the room. 

I roll my eyes. He acts like he owns me, like he has control over everything. All he is a scared, little boy that hadn't gotten his way. 

He has nothing on me. 

Or at least, I don't think he does...

*6:45 pm* 

I'm getting ready to meet Mike at the Ledbury. I decide to dress casually, even though it is a really fancy restaurant. 

I throw on some sweats and a black shirt and head out the door. 

Mike and I need to settle whatever it is going on between us tonight. 

*20 minutes later* 

As I'm walking in, I feel a little uneasy. What is it that Mike couldn't say in school that he had to call me here and tell me? 

I skim the room to look for him, but am taken aback when I see Dan kissing him deeply on the lips. 

My whole world just crumbled before my eyes. 

I loose all sense of dignity and control in this moment. 

"DAN! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" I boom across the room, letting my rage take over me. 

Dan says something I can't even make out because I'm so enraged. I then feel the most harrowing pain I have ever before. I look down at my wrist to see my red tally, that is almost complete, begin to turn into a scar. 

The pain is so intense that I fall to the ground, wailing. 

I hear Dan also screaming, but I don't give a shit if he's hurting or not, because he hurt me. 

He did worse than hurt me. 

He destroyed me. 

*Sometime in the future* 

I begin to regain consciousness. As my vision becomes less hazy, I look around the room I'm in and see I'm in a hospital bed. I look to my right and see Dan laying in a bed next to me, still unconscious. 

I don't know how long I've been asleep for so I check my phone which is on a table next to my bed. I check the time and date, and it says that it's 4:24, January 11th. I've been in a coma for almost two days. 

"Ph... Phil?" I hear Dan stutter softly. 

I look over and see that he's awake, but still a little disoriented like me. 

"Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it." I snap at him. 

"But Phil..." he begs. 

"We're over, Dan. I never  want to see you again," I hiss before pulling the needle out of my arm and storming out of the room, tears falling down my face. 

Sorry this chapter is so short.  

And I re-read all my past author notes and I promise you that I am not that cringey in real life lol. 

Day 3 of Gaymingmas, my life is complete. 

See you next chapter! <3 

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