Dead. Silence.

126 4 28

Dan POV: 


Phil POV: 

Word count: 677

Desperation: noun //  a state of despair, typically one that results in rash or extreme behavior. 

I continue to shake Dan, desperate for him to wake up. After a moment I realize I should probably call an ambulance. 

"999, what's your emergency?" 

"My friend, he's been shot. I need an ambulance!" I yell into the phone. 

"Where has he been shot, and is there an exit wound?"

"It looks like its around his liver area. And no, there is not exit wound." 

"That's good. What's your address sir?"

 "524 Country Way."

"We're sending an ambulance to your location right now. Until they arrive, put pressure on the wound." 

"Thank you." I say quickly before hanging up the phone. 

I kneel over Dan, feeling terrible for everything I had said before. I didn't mean almost any of it. I love Dan with all my heart. He just hurt me. He hurt me real bad. 

I take off my shirt, putting it over his wound. He's bleeding out real fast. I lay him on my lap, supporting him with one arm while putting pressure on the wound with my other. I start to sing to him, my tears descending onto his unconscious body. 

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." 

I continue to put pressure on the wound. 

"You make me happy when skies are gray..." 

I press harder, desperate to keep Dan with me.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you..." 

My silent sobbing is making it hard to breathe.  

"Please don't take my sunshine away..." I croak, my face soaked in tears. 

I close my eyes, attempting to wake myself up from this dreadful nightmare. All of this can't be real. Amanda shot Dan. Amanda Lawford shot him, right on the spot, like the cold-blooded killer she is. 

"Please, Dan..." I plead. 

"I can't lose you. I'm so sorry. For everything I said. Please just stay with me. I trust you. I forgive you. PLEASE DAN!" I bend over, my tears continuing to fall on to his body. 

"Ph-Phil?" I hear Dan stutter. 

"Dan?" I look at him. He looks like a ghost, all color leaving his face. 

"If I don't make it, I just want to say, I'm sorry, and I hope you can forgive me..." 

"Don't talk like that, Dan. You're going to make it, you're-" 

"But if I don't you need to know the truth. Mike, he blackmailed me. He told me if I didn't kiss him he'd tell you one of my darkest secrets from the past, and I'm scared if you knew you'd..." 

"I'd what? Not want to be with you? Dan, you're my soulmate, I would never leave you. And even if you weren't, I still wouldn't abandon you because of something like that. I love you, Dan. We all have our secrets and we've all made mistakes, but that's all in the past. I would never leave you. Never again." 

Right after I say this, we both lean in for a kiss. I continue to apply pressure to the wound as we do. The kiss tastes like salt from all the tears. We continue to press harder, desperate for the feeling of each other's lips, since we haven't kissed in what feels like forever. I then hear sirens getting closer and closer.  

"See, you're going to be ok, Dan..." I say, looking up to see the ambulance pull up in front of my house. 

But I look down and see he's unconscious again. 

All of the paramedics are rushing to get his limp body onto a gurney. Everything is happening too fast. I begin to feel a little lightheaded. 

I ride with Dan to the hospital. Dan's heart monitor is beeping at a slow pace, his breathing at a minimum. 

My whole body is shaking, I'm so scared. He's not looking too good. 

Right as we pull up to the hospital, his heart monitor stops. 

And a continuous, highpitched beep fills the dead silence in the air. 


i'm quaking

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