I. Am. Screwed.

130 5 15

Phil POV: 

Word count: 923

Overthink: verb //  think about (something) too much or for too long.

I see Dan in the hallway. An immediate smile forms on my face. I decided to run up to him and scare him. 

When I do scare him, he twists my arm behind my back. And it hurts like a bitch. Well, how was I supposed to know he took karate?!

I was kind of turned on by it though. It made him look like a tough, bad boy, which I love. I wish I knew how to fight, because it would surely come in handy in my life. 

As I put in my combination, Dan stands next to me and i feel all bubbly inside. He is so really fucking hot. 

I'm honestly not even trying to contain my feelings anymore. I want to be with Dan, even though I just met him yesterday.

But my thoughts are disrupted by Drew turning me around and pushing me against my locker. I glance at Dan, and he looks really angry. He is staring at Drew with hatred in his eyes, and I'm not going to lie, it made him look really sexy. 

Before I can even blink, Drew's friends and him are running away, and Dan and I are hugging in the hallway. He was like a ninja, swiftly beating those ass holes up, and defending me. All I want to do right now is push him against the lockers and give Dan what he deserves and show him what I  can do. I might not be able to fight, but I can kiss like nobody's business, or so I've been told. 

Dan then says something that makes my heart melt. He says he'd do anything to protect me. Fuck, I think I'm getting a boner just because of how sweet and cute and just overall amazing he is. 

A teacher yells at us and tells us to get to class, but I just want to stay in Dan's arms forever. 

He runs off and I walk to homeroom. My teacher begins to give us instructions for the project, and tells us that shortly we will be going to find our partner. 

As we get up to go to pick a partner in the halls, Mike passes me, and smirks. What the fuck is his problem? How does he go to loving me to hating me in a day? 

I go into the hallway and immediately look for Dan. I then spot him a couple feet away, and we lock eyes. It feels like everyone else in that moment is going in slow motion, and it is just us two in the hallways in that moment, just like before. 

I walk towards him. "Let's do this shit," I say. 

"We about to snatch all them bitches' weaves with our knowledge," Dan replies in a gangster-like accent, and we burst out laughing. 

After we do our research, we have to do a presentation in front of the class. This project is a major part of our grade, and if we fuck up this presentation, we'll probably fail the class.

I have never really had any problems with oral presentations, or other oral things for that matter. 

We decide to go into Dan's classroom to work. Every student has their own chromebook, so we take our's out and begin our research. 

"Find any useful facts yet?" Dan asks me. 

I don't know how, but I wound up on a site with fun facts about whales. 

"Did you know that female humpback whales have BFFs?" I ask him.

"Jesus Christ, Phil, stay on topic please," Dan replies, trying to sound annoyed, but I could tell he isn't. 

"Sorry, sorry. Did you find anything?" 

"Umm... yeah. I found this article and it says that soulmates aren't exactly paired. So someone might be your soulmate, but you might not be theirs. The very few people that have found their soulmates say that they felt an automatic bondage to each other, and they just knew."

"Interesting," is all I could muster. 

What if Dan doesn't feel the same way about me? What if he is my soulmate and I'm not his? What if I'll never find someone I truly love? What if I die alone? 

Ok, I have to calm down. I just have to see how it plays out, right?

I observe that he is covering his right arm a little, like I am doing to hide my tally. But I suddenly catch a glimpse of a little red mark on the arm Dan is hiding. 

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck!? Is that for me?! 

Am I Dan's soulmate? I know he is mine, I can feel it, but am I his? 

But then I remember what Dan had said. Maybe he has found his soulmate. Maybe he's in love with someone else. Maybe I'm just in over my head. Maybe I'm just overthinking all of this. 

I am feeling way too many emotions at once, but thankfully, the bell rings. I am safe for two more periods, but then will come lunch, and I will have to face Dan again. 

"Bye Dan, see you later!"

I grab my stuff and run out of the class. 

I. Am. Screwed. 

Hello my fellow trash cans, it is I, the shitty procrastinator that you probably hate because I rarely update. I think I've just been a little SHOOK since the fucking BLOOPERS VID. 

Thanks for reading, love ya'll <3

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