If You Hurt Him... I'll Kill You

112 3 13

Dan POV:

Word Count: 1338

Mystery: noun // something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.

It's been two weeks since that whole incident. I had apparently lost a lot of blood, but Phil came to my rescue and gave me all the blood he could. I'm still a little weak, but overall, I'm okay.

Phil and I had told the police about Amanda, and we are taking her case to court. That bitch is going to be in jail for a long time.

Phil will make sure of it.

He didn't ask me about that thing from my past. He trusts me, and I am so thankful of that. I want to leave all of that behind me, and I think it's finally time to do so.

Ever since I got home from the hospital, he has stayed and slept at my house. My mom doesn't mind, she has grown to like him. Yesterday, she and Phil's parents had left for Brazil together to get to know each other. We had told them that we're soulmates, and they were ecstatic.

They have always wanted to visit Brazil, and they're going to stay there for a couple months. They're not able to contact us because it's too much money, so it's just Phil and I. We love it just being us in the house, no one to interrupt or walk in on anything...

Phil will not leave me alone unless I ask him to, which of course I don't. He's worried about me, I can tell. But I'm okay. Everything is alright.

The whole school knows about what happened. The only thing they don't know is that Phil and I are soulmates. Everyone has been shunning Amanda, and in about a week's time, she'll be rotting in a cell.

Two other people had witnessed the shooting, as well as Phil. Also, cameras on the street had recorded it. She can't fight against all that.

Today is Phil and I's presentation, and I'm not very good at speaking in front of people.

"Not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous," I mutter to Phil softly.

Phil pulls me in to a hug and whispers "Don't worry, everything's fine. I'll be right by your side."

"I love you."

"I love you too, bear."

We walk into class and set up our tri-board, since we're going first.

When everyone takes their seat, Phil begins.

"Red Tallies. All of us have heard of them. They're a mystery and fascination to everyone..."

He talks about everything we could find on the internet, which wasn't that much. We did add in some of our personal experiences, like when our tallies glowed when we were fighting. We still don't really know what that was about.

We leave out the part about Phil resurrecting me though. If anyone found out about that, it would be catastrophic. Imagine the world finding out a person can resurrect another person. We'd be lab rats, experimented and tested on.

I tell my facts on my flash cards, and when I'm done, I look over at Phil and he nods, encouraging me to finally tell them our secret.

"I don't know if any of you have noticed, but Phil and I have red tallies." I say as we both hold up our wrists to show the class.

Everyone gasps, and mutters explode around the room.

The teacher shushes them, clearly interested that we have them.

"Dan and I are soulmates," Phil announces proudly, and pulls me in for a kiss in front of the class.

I kiss back, feeling my face get hot. I don't care that everyone is watching though. I'm not embarrassed for my love for Phil, and I never will be.

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