cold and lifeless

99 3 2

Dan POV: 


Phil POV: 

Word Count: 847

Terrify: verb //  cause to feel extreme fear.

(Music linked above to listen to while reading) 

The paramedics rush Dan into the hospital, yelling for a doctor. 

"This boy is dying! I need a doctor now!" one of the paramedics exclaims. 

I rush after them, adrenaline and fear pumping through my veins. 

They bring him into a room, but before I can enter, a nurse blocks my way. 

"Sir, please stay out here for now."

"That's my soulmate in there, I'm not going anywhere." I protest, attempting to push past her. 

"You can not be in here at this time. You may look through the window if you want," she says, gesturing towards the little window looking into the room where Dan is. 

I run to the window and see the doctors using defibrillators (the electric shock machines used to restart the heart). 

"Clear!" the doctor yells as he presses the defibrillators onto dan's heart, making his lifeless body jump into the air. 

But he does not wake up. 

"Clear!" the doctor exclaims again, pressing the defibrillators back onto his chest. 

His body jumps again, but they get no response. 

"Clear!" the doctor yells and attempts one last time to bring my bear back. 

But he's too far gone now.  

Dan is dead. 

Everything begins to move in slow motion. The doctor's wheel Dan into another room, and the same nurse from before comes out of the room to deliver the news. 

"He has passed away. I'm so sorry," she mutters.  

I feel like I'm about to pass out. Amanda killed Dan. And it's all my fault. 

My soulmate, my everything. He's... dead. 

"Would you like to say goodbye?" she asks gently, putting her hand on my back for comfort. 

"Yes, please." I falter. 

She leads me into a room with Dan's body on a gurney. 

"Take as much time as you need." she says before leaving the room. 

I walk over to Dan and look at his soulless, cold body. 

His face is even more colorless than before. 

I take his hand, and caress it. All his warmth is gone. My Dan is gone. 

I kneel down so my face is level with his body, and lean into him, sobbing. 

I'm the one who broke up with Amanda, and because I did, she murdered Dan. He's dead all because of me. 

I sit there for about five minutes. I look up, half hoping to see him alive, to see his giddy smile and see his beautiful eyes staring at me. But of course, they're not. 

I take his hand one last time, caressing his purple tally that used to be a red tally reserved for me. 

It then begins to glow, just like it did when we were fighting. I look at my wrist, and see my scar is glowing too. 

I look at Dan and see a beautiful, gold, glowing light start to sprout from his wrist through his arm. 

Vines of light begin to slowly travel throughout his body. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The light becomes so bright I have to cover my eyes. 

When the light begins to fade, I look down at Dan, and see his hand twitch. 

Holy shit. He's alive. 

He sits up slowly, and I help him. When he's sitting over the edge of the gurney, I embrace him, being careful not to hug him too tight. 

I press the button to call the doctors in. 

"I'm so happy you're alive." I sob, tears of happiness streaming down my face.

I'm surprised I even have any tears left to shed. 

"I am too." Dan laughs. 

The doctors rush in. I reveal Dan to them, wiping the tears from my face. 

"How?!" the doctor exclaims. 

"I wasn't going to let my soulmate die." I say, looking over at Dan.

He looks back lovingly, and we smile at each other. 

The nurses rush him out of the room to patch up his wound. He's lost a lot of blood. 

The nurse from before asks me what happened, how Dan is alive. But I don't want to tell her. If word gets around that soulmates could do that, the government would want to do experiments on us. 

I tell her that he just started breathing, and then regained consciousness. 

She looks skeptical since he was pronounced dead only minutes before, but she leaves to go check on him anyway.

Even though I do not want to leave Dan again, I lay down on a couch in the waiting room. I look down at my wrist to see my scar has turned back into a red tally, now completely formed. 

I smile, relieved that I have my tally and my Dan back. 

I begin to drift off to sleep. 

This has been one hell of a day. 

I can not wait for Christmas. I asked for a new phone, a mannequin head, some merch. You know, the usual. 

And Happy Hanukkah to anyone who celebrates!

See you all soon <3

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