Always Be Known As Someone's Bitch

206 8 19

Dan POV:

Word count: 822

Puppet: noun // a person, party, or state under the control of another person, group, or power

I go to the bathroom to fix myself up and wash my face. I look at myself in the mirror and see a frightened, weak boy. I'm like a puppet, everyone pulling my strings and making me dance at their command. And I hate it.

I hear a knock at my door. I open it to see Maddie standing there with two plastic bags filled with food. Damn, I love this girl.

"Hey Dan, I'm so sorry," she says, hugging me. "Andrew didn't deserve you anyways."

Maddie has to do this all the time, coming over to my place and comforting me after a breakup, because I'm always going through them.

"Yeah, he was kind of a jerk anyways, I guess," I say, a soft smile forming on my face.

Maddie always knows how to make me feel better. We sit on the couch watching Attack On Titan for a couple hours and shoving our face with food.

"Thanks for bringing all this food, I don't know what I would do without you," I say.

"Yeah, your life would be pretty shitty without me," Maddie answers as she dabs.

"If you ever do that again, I'm unfriending you," I say, throwing a pillow at her.

*About an hour later*

Maddie left a little while ago and now I'm left alone with my thoughts. I stare at my bedroom wall, thinking about how I'm always the one getting hurt. I don't think I have the heart to break other's, so I guess I'll always be like this.

Always be known as someone's bitch.

I attempt to go to sleep at 11 pm, which is early for me. But I've been awake for hours. I keep thinking about Andrew and why I fell in love with him in the first place. He was funny and smart and extremely handsome, putting me under his spell in a matter of seconds.

His light green eyes and dirty blond hair captivated me, even though I usually go for black haired boys with blue eyes. I don't know what it is about them, they just seem... mysterious. And I want to uncover that mystery if you know what I mean. But looks don't really matter to me anyways, it's about the person's personality.

All I want is to be loved back. I want someone to love me as much as I love them. I want to find my soulmate...

"Yeah, like that's going to happen," I say out loud, turning to my side.

It's weird to see no one next to me. I feel more free in the short periods of time when I'm single. But then again, I feel more depressed.

Boys come to me, have sex with me, and then leave. That's basically been my life for the past two years.

I check my phone. The time reads 2 am, so I decide to text Maddie.

To: That Bitch: Hey, you up?

From: That Bitch: Yeah. Why the fuck are you up this late, get some rest.

Maddie is very protective over me, which gets kind of annoying sometimes. But the feeling of someone caring for me, even if its not in a romantic way, is something I wouldn't trade in for the world.

To: That Bitch: C'mon, you know I'm always staying up late. Any plans tomorrow?

From: That Bitch: Going on a date with Izzy.

Izzy is her girlfriend. They've been dating for about three years and everyone knows they're in love. Izzy is really sweet, and Maddie deserves to be happy.

To: That Bitch: Oh ok :( Want to hang out this weekend then?

From: That Bitch: Sure. Good night, ass hole <3

To: That Bitch: Ttyl, bitch <3

I shut my phone off and sit up in my bed. I have school tomorrow, so I should probably not be up this late. Tomorrow is my first day back from holiday. YAY!

It's also my first day without Andrew walking with me down the halls. I get bullied in school a lot and Andrew would always protect me, even though I don't need him too.

I'm actually a third-degree black belt, so I can fend for myself. But it felt nice having someone stand up for me like that. The bullying stopped since he was there, and it'll probably start up again.

I lay down in bed and shut my eyes, blocking out the negative thoughts and thinking about the new "Game of Thrones" season. I wish I lived in another world, had another life.

Anything but... this.

Sup' my fellow trash cans. Dan and Phil are going to meet veryyy soon. I hope you're enjoying the story so far and if you have any questions or suggestions then feel free to write them in the comments! Byeeeeee (for now) <3

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