Holy Shit.

185 8 37

Phil POV:

Word Count: 874

Anxiety: noun // a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

"Ughhhhhhh", I sigh, slamming my book shut because of yet another annoying thing Draco has done. I'm only on the second book of the Harry Potter series, but I am really enjoying it so far.

I look up to see Dan walking over with a nervous smile on his face.

"Hi," he greets, giving me a small wave. "Can I sit with you?"

"I don't know, can you?" I ask sarcastically, in a joking matter. 

Dan just rolls his eyes and smiles, and sits down.

"So, what are you reading?"

"Harry Potter," I reply.

"I LOVE HARRY POTTER!" Dan exclaims, maybe a little too loud. "I've read the whole series. Do you know what house you're in? I'm in Gryffindor."

Dan is really cute when he gets passionate about things...

I stop myself. I'm not good enough for Dan. There's something about him that makes me want to keep my shitty self away from him.

"Well, Gryffindor, you're in the presence of a proud Slytherin," I announce all high and mighty. I then pull out sunglasses from my back pocket and put them on.

"Why the fuck do you randomly have sunglasses in your pants?" Dan asks, laughing.

"They're not sunglasses, they're swaglasses," I say, making peace signs. I suddenly realize I'm doing them the wrong way and I'm basically saying "stick it up your ass" to him with my hands. Dan bursts out laughing.

We talk about Harry Potter some more and I find out he also watches a lot of anime. I'm glad he does because now I can talk to someone about it. Since Mike and I aren't talking anymore and we both love anime.

I miss him. He was a good friend. But he did overreact when I said I didn't like him in the same way, and threatened me. I keep wondering what he meant when he said that "I'll pay dearly". What in the world could he do to hurt me so bad?

We also exchange random facts about ourselves. Our last names, some of our interests, and our sexualities. I don't know how it came up, but it did.

"I am so gay I wouldn't be surprised if a rainbow shot out of my ass hole," Dan declared, smiling.

I notice Dan has two dimples which is absolutely adorable. 


"The only straight I am is a straight up bitch," I announce. "I'm bisexual." 

Dan and I laugh the whole time. I almost peed my pants if I'm going to be completely honest. We also exchange phone numbers.

After talking and laughing the whole lunch period, I look at the clock. The bell is about to ring to go to class. Wow, that flew by quickly. I remember the project my teacher told my class about and how we could work with another person in our grade.

"Hey Dan, you know that project due in a month? Want to be partners?" I ask him, a little anxious about what his answer would be.

I might be popular but I am also pretty introverted, so I tell people to leave me alone at lunch. I used to sit with Mike but he's sitting with his other friends now. I also don't really like anyone in my grade that much, so Dan is the closest I have to a real friend that I would choose to hang out with at the moment.

Dan grins, and I can tell he was about to say yes. But then he hesitates. He glances down at my arms, so quick I almost don't notice. 

I immediately regret literally all my life decisions in this moment. I want to get to know Dan more, and if he doesn't want to be friends just because of my tallies, that is all on me.

After a moment Dan says, "Sure, as long as you aren't a control freak like my friend, Maddie. She would literally throw a book at my face if I do something wrong."

Dan says "literally" in a really cute way. As I think this, I feel a sensational feeling shoot through my arm. Something I haven't felt in a long time. It is the best feeling in the world. Better than an orgasm. Better than anything I have ever felt. Better than the feeling when I got my first black tally for Kevin. I look down at my arm and see a little red mark.

Oh. my. god.

Thankfully the bell rings at that moment and Dan didn't seem to notice the red mark.

"Ok! Umm... text you later. Bye Dan!" I yell, grabbing my books and running to next period.

Holy shit. 

Dan Howell is my soulmate.

Waddup bitches! Sorry, unnecessary. 

It's September. Back to school soon. Yay...

Also, I know Phil is a Hufflepuff but I felt he was more of a Slytherin in this story.

I'm going to try to write as much as I can during the school year. And also *clears throat*

HOLY SHIT 200 READS THANK YOU SO MUCH THATS AMAZING(phil). I'll go home along with phil. Byeeee <3

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