I'd Do Anything to Protect You

167 8 41

Dan POV:

Word Count: 1117

Protect: verb // keep safe from harm or injury.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP DAN, JESUS CHRIST!" I scream aloud as I slam on my snooze button. I should really change my alarm.

I go through my closet to pick out an outfit, and decide to go with a pastel pink shirt my mom got for me, and black jeans. I feel very upbeat and happy today, probably because I'm going to see Phil later, so I feel like wearing some bright colors. My fellow tumblr peeps know the aesthetic life. *insert peace signs*. 

...I try way too hard to be cool. 

I run downstairs and my mom looks surprised when she sees me in such a bright shirt, since I usually wear just black.

"Pastel motherf-" I stop mid-sentence because I remembered I was talking to my mom and can't call her a "motherfucker".

My mom just rolls her eyes and grabs her purse to leave for work. She has to work every day, and almost all day because my dad left us when I was a baby. I don't remember him, and my mom doesn't really like to talk about him.

I make myself a bowl of frosted shreddies and scroll on tumblr a bit before my bus comes. I look into the mirror to make sure my fringe is in check, and my shirt has no wrinkles.

I'm kind of nervous to see Phil today. I really want him to like me, because I really like him. But I am trying my hardest not to get too attached, so I don't get another scar. But it's hard. I've been thinking about him... A LOT. My thoughts are reserved for him. Ughhh, fuck my life.

The bus ride seems like the longest five minutes of my life. I just want to see Phil as soon as possible. 

Do I sound clingy? Yeah, I do. 

As I get off the bus, Maddie walks up to me.

"Hey, twat waffle," I say to her.

"Hi, shit face," she responds.

We both laugh and she goes off to find Izzy. I'm not necessarily jealous of Izzy, but I feel that since they started dating, Maddie and I haven't talked that much. I'm not the type to get jealous easily, but if someone I care about a lot starts to drift away from me because of someone else, my envy goes through the roof.

I fast walk into school to go find Phil, but as I'm walking, I feel someone slap my shoulders and exclaim "BLAHHHH".

I scream because I get scared easily, but soon after my instincts kick in and I take the person's arm and twist it behind their back.

"Owwww!" I hear them yelp.

I recognize that voice.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I say to Phil as I let go of his arm.

"Jesus Christ Dan, do you take karate or something?" he asks, rubbing his arm.

"Yep, third degree black belt," I respond, putting my hands on my hips and looking into the distance like a superhero.

We both continue talking about our project as we walk to Phil's locker. The hallway has cleared out so we should hurry. Phil's locker is only a few rows away from mine, which is cool.


Sorry, sorry, I need to compose myself. Not getting too attached, remember Dan.

As he puts in his combination, a guy and his two friends come up to Phil and push him against the lockers.

"Who's this? Your new boyfriend?" the guy asks.

Phil just stares at the ground, looking defeated. This guy just made a big mistake.

"Hands off him, ass hole," I say, getting up into his face.

"Or what? You gonna shoot rainbows at me with your gay powers?" he asks.

I don't answer because I am too busy plotting a way to kill this mofo.

He put his hands up to Phil's neck. "Answer, or I'll choke this fag out."

Oh, I'm going to fuck this bitch up.

I roundhouse kick him in the head, setting him aback. His other friends step in so I start rapidly punching one of them. I move on to the other guy and grab his neck, pulling him down near my waist and kneeing him hard in the face. I give him a bloody nose. They both quickly run away.

The guy who pushed Phil against the locker tries to get away too, but I grab him by the collar and push him against the lockers.

"Listen to me you son of a bitch. My name is Dan. Dan Howell. If you ever say another word to Phil again, or if you even go near him, I won't be so nice. Now you're going to tell your friends this to. You three know my name and know what I can do. I went easy on you this time, ass hole. You understand?"

The guy gulps and nods his head.

"Now, what's your name?" I ask him.

"Dr-Drew," he manages to stutter out.

"Now get out of my sight, Drew," I say, throwing him to the ground. 

He quickly runs away.

"Wow," I hear Phil breathe behind me.

I turn around to see him standing wide eyed.

"They're never going to hurt you again," I say to him.

He then pulls me into a passionate hug and we stand there, in the abandoned hallway, arms embracing each other.

After about 30 seconds, Phil says, "Thank you Dan".

"I'd do anything to protect you, Phil," I say to him.

I didn't realize what I said before I said it, but we don't move an inch.

I then feel the most incredible, incomprehensible feeling I have ever felt. I look at my right arm and see a small red mark begin to form.

Holy shit.

Phil Lester is my soulmate.

A teacher then comes out and yells at us. "What are you two doing? Get to class!"

We quickly release our hug and I yell, "See you later!" to Phil.

I run to my locker, and as I begin to put in my combination, I feel a smile bloom across my face. Phil's my soulmate. I can't believe it. I-

But my smile quickly turns into a frown.

Helloooooo. Thanks for reading this chapter! I tried to make it a little longer to make up for my other shorter chapters.


Sorry I got excited.


Ok gonna go now byeeee! <3

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