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"Your first love... Do you... Do you still love him?"

The question made Suga's mind freeze for a moment.

His first love...

Did he still love that little boy who never failed to make him smile without even knowing it? Suga honestly did not know at all. All he knew was that even until now, in the darkest of moments, he would think of that little boy and for a moment, everything seemed to disappear.

Suga had always wondered where was the kid now, if he was still living in that huge ancestral house in Busan, if he still had the same kind and soft eyesmile, if he was still a crybaby, if...if he still remembered him.

Of course he wouldn't. It was a long time ago, and it's not like he had left an impression to the kid. He only talked to him once, and that's it.

He did have to admit though that he wanted to see the kid again, even just for the sake of knowing what he looked like now. He wanted to know if he had changed or if he was still the same after all these years.

Well, what Suga did want to know right now was why Jimin was even asking. However, when he turned to the side to ask the boy about this, what he saw was a serious look with a disturbed gaze.

And then it hit Suga.

"Jiminie, are you jealous?"

The surprised younger boy blinked owlishly at the sudden question. A blush was obviously slowly becoming visible on his cheeks. "W-What are you talking about, hyung...? I'm not jealous!"

With one swift movement, Suga turned around until his back was now leaning on the railing and his body was fully facing Jimin. The younger boy stumbled forward, shocked with the sudden movement and Suga was quick to catch him, holding Jimin steady with Suga's hands on his waist.

"Yes, you are indeed jealous, Park Jimin."

Jimin pouted. "Just answer my question."

"Well, what if I say yes, I'm still in love with that kid."

And that was definitely the cutest sulking face Suga had ever seen. He raised an eyebrow at the lack of response from the younger boy.

"I don't care..." Jimin said, looking away. Suga merely snorted at this and tightened his hold on Jimin's wait, pulling him forward so they were closer now. "B-but... You said I am cute. Is he cuter, then?"

"Mmm, probably."

This earned a glare from Jimin. Yep, definitely jealous. "Okay," the younger said, aiming for nonchalant but it only sounded sulky.

The two stayed like that, with Suga staring at Jimin with an amused face, and Jimin pouting and scowling while staring at the floor.

Jimin suddenly spoke after a few more moments. "I also have a first love, you know."

"Mmm," Suga responded lamely, not really sure how to respond to that. He had no idea why Jimin was telling him this, but he guessed that it's just fair since Suga also talked about having a first love.

"I met him when I was a kid," Jimin started speaking, his eyes now gazing at the vast expanse of the mountain in front of them. "It's really funny because I only met him once, but I quickly came into a conclusion that I was in love. I was so young then, silly and stupid, but I was really convinced that I love him. He... He was my hero."

Suga snorted at the last sentence. "You call him your hero? What a cliché, Park Jimin."

The unnecessary comment received a hard smack from Jimin and a glare that barely intimidated Suga.

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