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"Jimin's apartment is really big. More like a spoiled child's lair, really," Namjoon commented as they arranged their stuff. Namjoon, Jin, Tae and Jungkook would be sleeping in the living area while Z and Y would take the guest room. Jimin and Yoongi, of course, would be staying in Jimin's room.

Jin scoffed at the comment. "Well, if you ask me, Yoongi acts more like a spoiled child than Jimin. Except that instead of whining, he would threaten to kill if he won't get what he wants."

"Wow, what a supportive friend," Namjoon said with a chuckle. "Until when are we gonna stay here anyway?"

"Until Z and Y are able to fix the issue with AC. Probably a week or so."

Jin continued to do what he was doing, which was preparing their make-shift futon bed. The couches and the rest of the furniture were pushed to the sides to give enough space in the middle for the four of them. For some reason unknown, only Jin and Namjoon were arranging the whole setting and the two kids, namely Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, were nowhere to be seen.

Jin huffed at this. Those two irresponsible brats. See if they would be allowed to have second helpings for dinner.

The older boy was so serious with moping about the fact that Taehyung and Jungkook were not helping that he had missed Namjoon's subtle glances and nervous sighs. He was still scowling at the sheets when Namjoon cleared his throat.


Jin looked up with raised eyebrows, only frowning when he noticed Namjoon's awkward gaze. "What?"

"Nah, just wanted to ask if you are still living in Gwacheon?"

That's a normal question. Jin was wondering what was making this boy beside him a little flustered. "Well, I still have my house there but I'm currently in the process of looking for a place here in Seoul. Most of my missions are in the city so I always end up staying the night in a hotel after every mission. I'm keeping the house, though. It's the first thing I ever bought so it's close to my heart. You probably already know about that."

And he did. Namjoon knew about it because he was there when Jin bought it. He was even the one who picked the house. In some way, it was theirs.

Jin pursed his lips, just realizing that it had been a long time since he had stayed in that house for more than a week. He preferred staying in some place in Seoul or in his other apartments.

He blinked.

It seemed like he had been more affected by their break up than he originally thought.

"You're keeping it?" Namjoon asked, eyes going wide. "I thought you're planning to sell it?"

Well, that made Jin blink again. "I- Uh... I did think of selling it but... Wait. How the heck did you know that I wanted to sell it? As far as I know, I only told Suga and Hope."

The question made Namjoon's eyes wider as if caught in doing something he should not be doing. The older boy narrowed his eyes, feeling like he was missing something right here. He knew Namjoon for so long now that every single facial expression was easy enough to read. And his stupid wavering eyes and idiotic mouth formed into 'o' just meant that he was guilty of something.

With crossed arms, Jin tilted his head to the side. "How did you know about it, Joon?"

"I-It's nothing like that! I didn't do anything! I-.... Uh... I just.... guessed?"

Wow. Was that the best he could come up with?

Trying to ignore the fondness that's blooming in his chest, Jin pursed his lips. Seriously, the man was probably the smartest guy in the world and yet he couldn't lie for his life. Scratch that. He could, but not with Jin.

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