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"If I only knew these kids always eat something this delicious for breakfast, I would've came out of hiding a long time ago and joined them," Z commented as he helped himself with another serving of bacon and egg.

"We also eat bacon and egg for breakfast sometimes," A quipped in while putting more rice on Hoseok's plate, only to receive a loud snort from Z. She glared up at the man while everyone that was gathered around the small plastic table watched.

"Well, we do eat bacon and egg sometimes, but you're cooking is so horrible that it always feels munching rubber and goo." Z shrugged as he speared another bacon, missing the frustrated huff of Sehee.

Least to say, everyone had varied reactions. Some wanted to laugh, some looked like they felt awkward, and Hoseok, well, he seemed to be torn between laughing at his idol's joke or sympathizing with his crush.

Yoongi chuckled internally for his dear friend.

Tadashi sighed. "At least Sehee didn't burn the butter. How could you even burn a freaking butter?! If any of you young lads are curious, maybe you can ask the founder of Alpha Centauri. The mighty Z who's so good at everything except for making toasted bread. And yes, despite the odds, he burned the butter."

Jimin, who was now thankfully beside Yoongi, giggled at this. "Yeah, you've always been so awful at cooking, Appa."

They proceeded to eat their breakfast with more bickering from Z and Y and silent chuckles from the rest. Yoongi had one of his hands resting on Jimin's lap under the table as he ate. He really missed the younger. He was not even able to cuddle that much last night because Z was practically just right across where they were sleeping!

Damn, he needed more of his Jimin. He had this strong urge to just kidnap the boy, bring him somewhere private, and just cuddle for a whole year.

And so, Yoongi slowly dragged his hand towards Jimin's upper thigh. He stopped just before he could reach the younger boy's crotch, and squeezed. A bit tightly.

Jimin's head couldn't have snapped up faster. His eyes widened and he subtly tried to push away Yoongi's grip using his free hand. Yoongi held on, though, and even winked at him just to tease.

He honestly did not have any intentions. He just sincerely missed the boy and wanted to hold him. And tease him, of course. It was always fun teasing Jimin. His angry face was really cute.

"Hyung!" Jimin whispered lowly, taking care not to let his dad hear. "Will you please not?!"

"What? I'm not doing anything," Yoongi simply said, his lips smiling lazily as he regarded his pissed off boyfriend.

Jimin narrowed his eyes, but he soon realized that Yoongi was a lost cause so he just rolled his eyes and huffed adorably.

How endearing...

"Whatever, hyung," Jimin complained, "I've got something more important to do here."

"And that is?"

Jimin pursed his lips. "Making Taehyung speak and smile again," he said, his voice evidently lower and more solemn. "I don't know if you've noticed but...he had been silent since yesterday. I...want to hear his cheerful voice again."

"Oh..." was Yoongi's intelligent answer.

So that was why Jimin had been giving more attention towards Taehyung this morning. Yoongi had been sulking at the thought of missing his boyfriend. He had also been pretty preoccupied with trying to let the fact sink in that Y and Z are with them in the van and that the mission was over. Come on, he had not even gotten over with the son-in-law thing.

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