Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Harry’s POV

Having Lolita as a traveling companion was really fun. She’d always be cracking dumb jokes which she read off the wooden popsicle stick from her ice pops. There was one that made me laugh because it was so corny. Then again, all of them were corny.

She was sitting in the backseat reading, her tanned bare legs draped over the front of the passenger seat. She kicks the side of my face with her foot lightly, and I jumped in surprise. She laughed loudly and I chuckled at my reaction.

“When’s the best time to buy a bird?” She asks suddenly, her voice cheery and bright. I look in my mirror to see she’s reading the joke off her popsicle stick.

“When?” I play along.

“When it’s going cheeeeeeep!” She gives one last lick to the stick before throwing it at the back of my head.

“Don’t say I never gave you anything.” She teases, referring to the popsicle stick she just threw at me. Then she kicks my face again and my aviators fall off and land onto my lap.

“Lo, don’t do that I’m trying to drive.” She keeps laughing though, throwing scrunchies and shirts and a pillow she found in the backseat of the car from when she sometimes slept. All while these objects were hitting my head and falling onto my lap I tried my best to keep my vision clear and keep my hand on the wheel.

“Lola!” I grumbled, trying to ignore all the different objects being thrown at me. “If they go out the window I’m not stopping.” I muttered. She just continues to laugh even harder at my annoyed reactions.

“What are these? Are these hair grips?” I look down at the pile in my lap before she grabs an empty bag and pulls it over my face, completely blocking my vision. I quickly knock it off, thankful there’s only one other car on the road that’s way ahead of us. I begin laughing at the way she’s laughing and all the things flying in the air, and move the wheel to get back into my lane.

“Whoaa,” She says. Then suddenly a high pitch scream comes from her and then she falls into another fit of laughter.

“What’s happened!?” I immediately turn around to look at her cracking up, the fake prank can of peanut brittle on the seat next to her with the faux snake spring on her lap. She just continues to laugh, throwing her head back and banging my feet on the headrest. I chuckle myself and then we both end up in full on laughter at what had just happened.

I had to pull over because I was laughing so hard and I couldn’t concentrate on the road.


We reached Savannah, Georgia in about five days. It’s now been a total of a week and a half since we started our journey across the U.S. I had a plan to go south, crossing through the states below New York, going through the border of Florida and then East and make my way up to California.

I called Louis every day, mostly when Lolita was taking her daily shower. Damn could that girl shower. Sometimes I’d have to knock on the door just to make sure she hadn’t slipped and fallen and hurt herself. She’d reply with a mumble and I continued with my call.

Dante and his men were always one state behind us. I never really knew when they traveled, whether it was day or night or if they traveled both, but all I knew was that I had to keep a move on. Lola hated that we couldn’t spend more than a day and a half in each state because she always wanted to explore. We passed through Atlanta on the way down and her eyes sparkled with interest as we headed through the tall buildings and lights.

The hotel we just arrived at was really nice. It was on the beach with a front view, obviously. The weather was warm and I felt myself getting tan jut with my one arm out the window as I drove down. As soon as we made it to the hotel Lo just ran up to the room to throw her heavy suitcase in (which seemed to be getting heavier since in every place we stopped in she bought more clothes for herself) and immediately ran out the door again, avoiding the elevator and just diving down the stairs. I sighed and knew I couldn’t control that girl even if I wanted to.

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