Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Harry’s POV

We laid on the beach for a while. I still remember this day very clearly, a warm sunny Georgia afternoon, watching Lolita sleep and her tan skin glow under the sunlight. Moments like these throughout the trip really reminded me how beautiful she was, and still is. I’d never met another like her, and I won’t ever. There’s just something different, something that gets me.

She was lying on the blanket, awake now, with a straw in her hand. She would carry the straw to the glass coke bottle filled with water, dip the straw in then back out, carrying it back to her lips. I folded my arms and rest my head on my hands, watching the water drip from the straw and onto her lips. She did this for a while, and I watched as she shut her eyes. She had on a one piece, with holes on the sides. Her breasts looked magnificent, and her nipples were visible through the slightly wet fabric. No one was around to witness it though, except me.

Her sunhat was placed on her head, shielding her eyes from the light. Her legs were slightly wet and had some pieces of sand clinging to them, her feet fully covered in the sand. She looked like a goddess in this exact moment, and I couldn’t help myself from taking a picture.

I took one on my phone first, then I took one with the polaroid, standing up. She didn’t notice, it think it was because she was still sort of half asleep, the warm sun on her skin and the sound of waves crashing aside from us really creating the perfect surroundings.

I snugged up beside her, told her she was beautiful, to which she giggled and wrapped her arms around me. We laid together like that for the rest of the day, my head on her stomach and her hands in my hair. She occasionally would massage my scalp, to which I sighed and closed my eyes because I felt so at peace. Like there wasn’t dangerous men after us. Like I didn’t have the responsibility to make sure she was safe 24/7. Like it was just her and I, alone on this earth.

Because that’s how it felt. Like it was just us too. And I think this was when I realized I loved her. She was more than just a beautiful girl, a companion, a girlfriend. She was now my bestfriend. My life. And I promised myself I would dedicate my life to protect her, and that I’d jump in front of a bullet for her. Do anything. Just to make sure she was still breathing. Because her stomach moved up and down rythmatically with her breathing, causing my head move up and down to but I didn’t mind, in fact I loved it. I loved hearing her breathe, listening to her heartbeat.

And I knew that it was up to me to keep it beating.


Lola and I left the beach at around six, going back to the hotel room to get changed. We were running low on snacks and supplies, and I knew that we had to go to the grocery store soon but we were both staring so we decided on dinner first. Lolita had on red lipstick with a black and white collared dress from the 70’s. It looked really nice on her though, and I adored the way it looked against her skin.

Her hair was up in some hairstyle I couldn’t figure out. When I asked her what it was called, she just snorted.

“They’re milk braids.” She said, finished it by attaching the last bobby pin in her hair. When she turned and looked at me, I had to take another picture with the polaroid because she looked too beautiful. Her light hair was messily sticking out by her ears and the baby hairs in the back were lying on her neck. I placed the polaroid in my pocket of my jeans just as she stomped her foot.

“I’m starving! Can we go now?” One thing that would never change about Lolita is her childish attitude.

“Of course baby.” I grabbed her hand and we exited the hotel.

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