Chapter 1 (Dipper pov)

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Dipper woke slowly, blinking away the sudden sunlight. He heard Mabel groan next to him. "D-Dipper? Where... where are we?!" 

Dipper sat up straight, fear and adrenaline rushing through him. What happened? he thought to himself. He looked around, only to see a vast forest stretch out as far as the eye could see. He groaned. He had no memory of how they got there. All he could remember was Bill laughing... He'd been talking... then he snapped his fingers and here they were. 

A shadow towered over him. Dipper looked up to see Soos' outstretched hand and pulled himself to his feet. He saw Wendy helping Mabel up onto her shoulders. "I think we'll get a better view of where to go from here!" Wendy explained.  

"Well do you see anything?" Dipper asked. 

"...No. Nothing for miles!" Mabel called down. 

Wendy put her back down and sighed. "I say we pick a direction and walk until night. Then we can chop down one of these trees and start a fire for the night." She twirled her axe before tucking it back into her belt. 

"I say we go... uh... that way!" Mabel exclaimed. She'd just finished spinning around and stopped  in a random direction. 

Dipper shrugged. It was as good of an idea as any. So the group set off, walking at a brisk pace. Dipper took time to notice all the trees in the forest. They weren't any species he could recognize, and they all shone with an eerie amber glow. He shivered, a weird sensation tingling his spine. It was crazy, but it felt like he was being watched. 

Mabel stopped. "You okay bro-bro?"

Dipper shook himself and forced a smile. "Yeah. Of course." 

Mabel squinted at him, but the moment passed and she skipped ahead to walk by Soos. Wendy fell back and strode side-by-side with Dipper. "This is place gives me the creeps!"

Dipper looked at her with wide eyes. "Almost feels like we're being watched... right?"

"Yeah man!" An awkward silence fell and all that could be heard was the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot. "...So how do you think we got here? I mean, what even is here?!"

Dipper thought for a moment. "I have no idea. One moment, Bill was laughing and then I just... woke up here? I know, it sounds crazy." 

Wendy stopped in her tracks. She looked curiously at Dipper. "That's not what I remember... I was at home before I got here." 

Dipper and Wendy exchanged a look. Something about this place... it was unnatural. 

The group continued to walk until nightfall. Unfortunately no one had seen any signs of civilization or even something to eat. There was only the waves of cinnamon colored trees. Soos and Dipper found a clearing to settle in while Mabel "helped" Wendy chop some lumber. 

Night seemed to come all at once. A cold wind blew and Dipper shivered. Mabel slid off her sweater and handed it to him. He nodded his thanks and scooted closer to the fire. Mabel yawned loudly and Dipper spoke up. "Maybe we should try to get some rest." 

"Yeah dudes, you all go to sleep, I'll stay up and keep the fire burning," Soos offered. 

Dipper and Mabel were ready to crash but Wendy insisted Soos wake her up halfway through the night to switch watch duty. 

Dipper gathered some leaves together, trying to make a makeshift pillow. He lay on his side, too many thoughts racing through his head. They'd randomly woken up in a random (and probably magical) forest with no explanation. Although... maybe this wasn't random. 

Dipper's eyelids started to droop. He really was exhausted after walking all day with no food. But right before he drifted off to sleep, he saw something, deep in the forest. It was a faint glow with a white tinge. It almost looked... like a lantern. 

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