Chapter 17 (Wendy pov)

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Wendy froze, mid swing. The axe was mere inches away from Dipper's stomach, hidden behind leafy branches. She was paralyzed, conflicted. There was no right move. There couldn't be. Either Bill was right and she could end up killing Dipper. Or he was lying and Dipper would die here anyway. 

She felt the air swoosh past her as Bill flew to float ominously behind her shoulder. "Lower the axe, girl." She obeyed, slowly and reluctantly. 

"What game are you playing at, Cipher? What do you want from us? If we're really where Dipper thinks we are, that means we're already dead. You've already won. Leave us be." Even though Wendy couldn't see directly, she knew Bill had stopped staring at her.

"None of you have reason to believe me, but I'm stuck here too. Old Sixer finally got the best of me, but as you can see, not without consequences. I met the Beast and we tried everything, but I can't get out of here on my own. Please." 

Wendy whipped around. Bill was now standing in front of Mabel, who was actually on the brink of tears. A wave of anger swelled up in Wendy. Manipulative, lying, cheating, bastard! "Hey get away from her!" she shouted. 

Bill Cipher didn't move an inch. "I know you can't possibly trust me after everything I've done..."

"She said... get away." It was the woodsman. The Beast gasped, rushing to Bill's side. "I've come to finish what we started, so long ago Beast."

"Leave now, Woodsman, before you regret it." Wendy could tell it was the Beast talking, but she couldn't see his mouth. 

The woodsman took his daughter's hand, glancing back once at Soos. "Give me the axe, child," the woodsman said to Wendy. "Give me the axe and run." Wendy slowly handed over the axe, but she didn't move. She knew she couldn't leave Dipper behind.  

"This is your last warning, Woodsman." 

"No, Beast. There will be no more warnings. This is where you meet your end." 

Faster than lightning, the Beast swept around the edge of the clearing, right at the woodsman's daughter. She vanished in his shadows, appeared a moment later, then vanished again. Her screams were lost in the void that was the Beast. 

"BEAST!" the woodsman roared, tears in his eyes. "I'll kill you for that!" 

The Beast was now pinning the woodsman's daughter to the ground, but she wasn't screaming anymore. Tears shone in her eyes. "Soos, oh mi hijo, I'm so sorry. I never should've left you with your father. He was a horrible man, and that mistake I will carry with me for the rest of my life." 

Wendy wasn't sure if she imagined it at first, but as it grew brighter, she grew more and more sure; the woodsman's daughter was glowing. It started as a faint glow from her chest, but now was a light brighter than the sun. It filled the entire clearing, bathing it in a holy light. The Beast shrieked and fled. Little did Wendy know, that would be the last she would ever see of him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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